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WHo saw it?

I am so glad at the outcome.
(if you didnt see it and don't wanna know who won,turn away now)

Gracies fight used to be so boring, hes a good brazilian fighter but it's not a spectator sport. The UFC came so far since he was in the octagon. it really isn't the same sport. It was good to see the two genreations of UFC greats in the same ring but I was surprised it was so fast.
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Yup, I saw it. It looked like it was going to be a night of submissions from the begining. I could not believe that Gracie didn't submit when Hughes had the arm bar on him, that is one tough proud guy. Hughes kept to his word though and plain beat him up. The sport has definately evolved beyond one trick ponies, Mixed Martial Arts is the future.

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Yup, Of course I recorded it so I just watched it again.
Royce never even showed up.
That arm bar must've hurt like hell.
4M 39S of round one.

I love the way the UFC evolved.
In Royce's day, he was beating people like wrestlers and boxer etc. although it was a tournament styled fight, back then, the skill sets of his opponents weren't at the level of todays UFC fighters;)
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I saw the whooooole thing - I even put my money on the right guy. Gracie never had a chance - Hughes just kicked the snot out of'em. Not to take anything away from Gracie but he was totally outclassed.

A couple of the fights afterwards were rockin' too. Flying knee to the temple on a guy waving the white flag - POW - nighters......

It was a pretty good show,



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Gracie's fights were boring if you're only into boxing or fake wrestling. But if you can appreciate the skill and technique involved, Gracie was definitely not boring to watch.
Just think, after 10+ years of being out of the UFC Gracie came back and took on the the most dominant fighter ever in the UFC and he's 7 years older than Hughes.

My heart was definitely with Gracie but my money was with Hughes.
All MMA fighters owe a great deal to the Gracie family and what they have done for the sport.


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Gracie's fights were boring if you're only into boxing or fake wrestling. But if you can appreciate the skill and technique involved, Gracie was definitely not boring to watch.


Agreed....I had to take some BJJ lessons to appreciate what is going on when MMA fighters are on the ground....and if they are good grapplers, there's a lot going on even though it doesn't look like they are doing very much.

I haven't seen too much PRIDE but the ones I've seen tend to allow the fighters to stay on the ground even if not too much is happening. I prefer that to having them stood up right away...as I think the UFC is doing that too quickly in the interests of entertainment.

I was surprised to hear it was over so quickly and the descriptions I've seen say it was pretty one-sided. Somewhat sad to see a legend go out on such a note....but that's what happens when you stay too long at the party. [:/]

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I totally agree that his skill is insane. watching him fight was boring to me, like skydiving is boring to watch for other people.

it wasn't a "spectator" sport.
back when I was first introduce to UFC it was nutz b/c it was a tournament. I believe they said his first 4 fights in UFC took less than 4 minutes combined to win. Pretty amazing feat.

he is (probably) still a great fighter but his claim that Gracie BJJ is the only thing you need to know just doesn't hold true for today's UFC. Hughes proved that on saturday night
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