
Whatever happened to customer service?

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Dropping off my bro at ATL this morning after knee surgery made me wonder if service is truly dying?

Pulling up to the curb I jumped out and walked over to get one of the fourty wheelchairs clustered by the wall. After getting chased off by someone who walked over (apparently these are special chairs- I needed an airline chair) also punctuated with a curt 'get you hand off that chair' I walk in and grab the airline chair by the door and check him in.

Airline counter people were friendly as all get-out (always have been) checking us in but now we need someone to walk him to the gate. No problem- just go on in and make a right and there are people there to walk you down. Great, have a good one thanks. Nice smile, wave, push him on in.

Make a right and there's someone else in a chair getting an escort so we stop right next to him and he goes off. Looking over in the little seating areas are six people wearing those light blue uniforms and they are some of the unfriendliest looking people I've seen in a while. Not number seven sitting in the middle with the clipboard, she wasn't scowling so must have been the local sup.

Five seconds, ten, fifteen- excuse me can we have an escort to the gate. Do you have your boarding pass. (hold up pass) Bring him over here. Geez- don't get out of your chairs and have someone walk over to where the customers are located.

OK- take down the info on the clipboard (must be getting paid by the airlines per head). Oh, you need to switch chairs now. (???) So, we pull another chair over, and get him into that one get his crutches secured again, here's the bag, make sure he's got his pass back and such. OH- Finally one of these escorts stands up and does something useful. I swear it was like a Mexican standoff who was going to flinch first and actually do something other than suck air for a paycheck.

Here's a hug thanks alot bro you're on your way. Say hi to mom and dad, give krissy and alli a hug for me, blah blah. I stop and actually take a look at the chairs and the new chair is marked with the same name as the ones outside and the person that ran me off is from the same company.

What the hell? What was wrong with 'oh you need a chair? Where's your brother? Do you need someone to take him to the gate? You do!? Well, I was standing around outside sucking a smoke anyways. Let's put him in the chair and wheel him over to the curb check. I'll be right back with someone or better yet, I'll wait the two minutes to check him in and then push him in the door so we can jot down the info and get credit.'

'You know, perhaps my subordinates and I should stand out by the tile where people can see us instead of polishing our fannies out of sight by the windows. Someone just wheeled up- let's bring the other chair to them and put them in so they don't get tipped out pushing the chair over that big plastic thing in the carpet. Even better, why don't a few of you take some of those fourty chairs piled up outside and walk the curb to drum up some business.'

And for Pete's sake wipe that scowl off your face! Say hello, where you heading? Oh I hear that's nice this time of year.

And I'm supposed to tip these people? I don't think so, not this time. Next time I try to get a gate pass and take whoever it is myself.

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Those assholes choose to be that way. Their supervisors allow them to get away with it. That's a shame. Maybe try a phone call or letter or something. Maybe advise the airline that the service they hire is leaving a bad impression of their company. I'm in a service job, and strive to do my best for my pay. Some of my coworkers are just plain old jerks, just because they can. Can make for some long days.[:/]

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