
Who here is accident prone?

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i definitely have had my fair share of injuries and bad luck - i am the queen of accident prone - but i'd really rather not bore you to death by listing everything - though i will say i am currently in PT for an accident that happened 3 weeks ago
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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I haven't really done anything to cause major injuries for the past few years, but I will walk into any wall that happens to be there, more than once, I walk into a table at least once a shift at work when I waitress, fall down my stairs on a monthly basis, and fall up my stairs on a weekly basis.

Whenever I see a new bruise, I assume that it is self-inflicted.

I managed to break my arm standing still on the grass in roller blades, and gave myself a severe cuncussion figure skating...

Oh yes, and none of my friends will walk on my right side because I tend to drift that way when I walk:$

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I opened my front-door once intending to exit. Realizing I'd left my keys on the counter 2 feet away, I turned around to grab them. Turning around again, I forgot the door was half open. I kicked the corner of the door barefoot with substantial force, dislocating my pinky-toe 45-degrees, and found myself rolling on the floor, crying like a sissy-bitch B|.

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Trying to make like Casper and walk thru doors huh :o? When I was 4 or 5, my aunt had butterfly stickers on her glass slider. I ran right into it, running all out for the pool 20 feet beyond the door. Thankfully at that age, I didn't have the mass to shatter it.

How do you fall up the stairs?

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I don't tend to go through glass sliders... its the solid wood ones that I seem to aim for:$

Your door incident reminds me of a child I saw at the day camp I used to work at. There are two ice rinks at the facility, where I teach, and the camp kids use the ice during the summer. This little kid, probably around 5, went running full speed from across the lobby into the out door of the rink. The kid smacked into the metal door so hard he dropped straight to the floor and was pretty much out cold. I felt bad for him, but it was hard not to laugh.

Just last week I walked into my bedroom door, then proceeded to fall down my entire flight of stairs (except for the very first step) onto the tile floor below. I went pretty much headfirst, with my arms on the side that has no railing. Needless to say, it was a BAD morning, but I blame the entire stairs incident on the stupid slippers I was wearing. If I were barefoot like normal, I would have been ok.

Falling up the stairs is rather easy actually, at least for me... miss a step on the way up, and I pretty much end up falling forwards, still in the general up direction. Usually amounts to a few bruises and the occasional hurt toe. Still makes a loud noise, but those who know me have started to ignore the loud crashing sounds when I'm home.

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This reminds me of an icy-stairs incident that still sometimes hurts. I was stationed in Denver 3 years ago and when it started getting cold, I found out the hard way that the concrete stairs got icy at night.

I slipped on the icy sidewalk and fell on my butt about 5 feet from the stairs, then got another 4 or 5 poundings to my tailbone before I got a good grip on the rail. My whole butt and left hip turned all kinds of nifty colors. I laid halfway down the stairs holding the rail for about 5 minutes until a friend of mine helped me back inside B|

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Falling up the stairs is way too easy... managing to fall up them, then proceed to roll all the way back down them B| ... now that takes skill :D

A man will do anything for the right woman,
and when that woman destroys him,
that man will become a hunk of meat with the common sense of a rodeo clown! ~ Christopher Titus

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My name is Sarah....and I'm accident prone [:/]

Been this way forever [:/]

Most unusual accident - Got an X-Acto knife stuck in the back of my hand. With my other hand, I called the doctor to find out if I should pull it out before or after I came to her office [:/]

Most recent injury - bruised arm - not sure how it happened [:/] I'm always sporting a bruise of some sort - usually on my legs are arms.

I'm always falling up/down the stairs and over my own feet. [:/]
Jump, Land, Pack, Repeat...

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