
Rainbow Boogie 2006 -- World's First Gay Day at a Skydiving Dropzone (Montreal, July 28-31)

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Thanks to you! You know actually every jump starting with a 2-way will be a record at the event no? :S

Raist and I have done lots of 2-ways together. (Jumps -- 2-way skydives -- get your mind out of the gutter!)

Does that make us the current world record holders?

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I think so. ;)

Actually, there was a very small group of gay skydivers sometime back in 1994 by John Grisak, according to the rec.skydiving archive on Google Groups. (Anybody still know John Grisak and whether or not he is still jumping?). Since this is located in Texas, I would bet that Kirsten Johnson is familiar with this this timeline is, incidentially, almost 13 years ago.

There's also the RainbowSkydivers mailing list on Yahoo Groups, which intermittently surges with new traffic and dies down. The RainbowSkydivers mailing list was the genesis for Rainbow Boogie, and a few of us took up the cause (with myself, probably being the primary person, since I'm the one who spent the most man-hours lately on this effort)

There is precedent for many attempts to setup gay skydiving group, but gay skydivers are a worldwide dispersed lot. The abscence of any real organized effort (i.e. Rainbow Boogie) to get everyone into one place, makes a lot of people lose hope about ever meeting other gay skydivers. A lot of us have had the same feelings. Many have already told me privately "Finally -- about time!". Let's thank the existence of Internet, for making this possible without too much initial financial outlay.

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We are attempting to get 50 experienced skydivers to show up. We even already have almost that many "interested" (almost 50), but currently only 15 are able to clear their schedule and book airfare.

New milestone. 30 experienced skydivers confirming "Yes" that they are able to come. (There are about 60+ expressing interest). I'll doublecheck with every one personally around monthly, to make sure their answer does not change so our headcount remains roughly accurate. People are welcome to show unannounced, but please Register anyway (even if you're not 100% sure if you're able to come).

The numbers keep increasing, and we haven't even begun advertising yet (March/April/May).

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In addition to many two way skydives, we've done a two way BASE jump...although one was enough...

"You take a one and I'll take a three, that will give us plenty of..."

find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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Let's make a three-way BASE jump?:)

Now, now... If you want to organize a gay BASE boogie, wait 5 years. I might want to be a part of it after I'm properly trained and good on accuracy canopies, and gone to Apex BASE school. (or something like that) ;)

P.S. I think there's about 4 or 5 BASE jumpers among our attendees. Nouvel-Air will NOT be doing BASE jumps, but at least, you'll probably be able to say hello to potential new BASE buddies for other, um, legal BASE events elsewhere for another time in the year. (Bridge Day, Perrine, Norway, etc)

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Fixed it for ya:

...so many things men to do...so little time to do them

Gee thanks Russ, then I guess I should have said "three ways" instead of three ways. :o
"Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it."
-- Oscar Wilde

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Base jumping, Im ready bring it on, I will be in Norway before the boogie so hopefully i will have satisfied my desire for extra adrenalin, but 3 way male basejumping sound very dangerous.

Kirsten just a friendly remender hun that 7 is a male, but sorry to say that he wont make it to the boogie because he will be waiting for me in Norway to come back and travel to the worldmeet

This is getting so exiting

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"Actually, there was a very small group of gay skydivers sometime back in 1994 by John Grisak, according to the rec.skydiving archive on Google Groups. (Anybody still know John Grisak and whether or not he is still jumping?). Since this is located in Texas, I would bet that Kirsten Johnson is familiar with this this timeline is, incidentially, almost 13 years ago."

This was the TriAngels. As I said, I'm the last active jumper out of the 14 or 15 folks we had in the club. Our first jump course was 10 of US and one poor little straight Army boy. There's a campfire story around that, too. Anyway, no one's seen nor heard from John Grisak since the weeks after the New York games in 1994. He just fell off the face of the skydiving map. So did a lot of us.

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This was the TriAngels. As I said, I'm the last active jumper out of the 14 or 15 folks we had in the club. Our first jump course was 10 of US and one poor little straight Army boy. There's a campfire story around that, too. Anyway, no one's seen nor heard from John Grisak since the weeks after the New York games in 1994. He just fell off the face of the skydiving map. So did a lot of us.

Bring the story, bring the story. A lot of us would love to hear about it. There'll be a bonfire. ;)

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The Rainbow Boogie Blog (www.rainbowskydive.com/news) has now been updated.

Two new sponsors have been added! ToBe is a local gay newspaper that will be covering the event. Jump Shack has provided gift certificates that can be used towards a new rig, and we'll use this as some kind of a prize or draw at Rainbow Boogie 2006. More sponsors are on their way.

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Hi there,

Can you base jumpers tell me how many of you plan on attending the boogie?

Might help to know with one sponsor.

"Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it."
-- Oscar Wilde

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WAY TO GO!!!!!!

Mark, you so totally ROCK! Keep going after the sponsors and keep getting the energy behind this event. There are even folks here at Spaceland interesting in coming up to Montreal.

FYI - I love my Javelins and was just kidding about the Racers :^)

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I'm going to bring my new Purple Mirage. May put "The Fruit Salad" Stiletto in it or maybe a new "Fruit Salad" Katana in it. Yeah one of the lesbian skydivers gave my canopy that nickname and it stuck. Kirsten knows who.

From some real humble beginnings this Rainbow Boogie is starting to ROCK and Mark you deserve a lot of credit for getting it going.


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