
Problems you wished you had.

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I'll admit that this problem I have is a bit out of the ordinary and is a problem people would wish they had.

But I need some ideas and alternative paths. So I thought the ever, vocal population here would speak up.


Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Ask for $125K.

Talk to an investment/retirement expert who will assist you in investing it in tax deferred retirement plans... The one I have for our company 401K plan and my personal accounts is able to sell me mutual funds and other investments at the same expense rates as if I purchased online on the website, but they pay him some $$$ to market the funds... Best of both worlds - free investment advice, and I can fire him at any time because the accounts are held at the investment firms.

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Ive always thought of you as smart and savy,
my only input is.... buy low sell high, and dont get greedy, makeithappen is what you have made it , content, ideas, everything is yours, makeithappen is only a name, a phrase, and it means something to who ever wants to buy it, be smart be inventive, like I know you can, sell the domain and make real profit now and develop somthing new.

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I would use it as a retirement fund, as well. I'd charge $150k for it, and ask for 5 or 10 percent of the gross sales from the website. That'd create a retirement fund.

IT's nice ot be in a position to tell people to screw off.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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can you lease it to them?

I had not thought of that. That may be an option.


Ask for $125K.

Talk to an investment/retirement expert who will assist you in investing it in tax deferred retirement plans...

The problem is the tax rate at the time of sale, not what to do with the money or how to defer interest/taxes from it.


...sell the domain and make real profit now and develop somthing new.

Barry, I am really, really old now. I turn 50 this year. I'm not a 20 yo with great ambitions anymore. But maybe there is something that I can do new for the world????


Make it happen ! HELLO ?

Hello? Hello? Anyone there?

(never did understand what a 'Hello?' answer meant. Someone please explain it to me.)


I would use it as a retirement fund, as well. I'd charge $150k for it, and ask for 5 or 10 percent of the gross sales from the website. That'd create a retirement fund.

Is that something that you can legally do?
How would you go about setting up that type of arrangement?
How would you know that you are getting the proper cut?\
That sounds like a great idea.


IT's nice ot be in a position to tell people to screw off.

Yeah and maybe one day, I'll be able to be in that position.
Sounds like fun anyway.


I should also mention that their first offer was $30k, about two weeks ago.
It's up to almost $100K now and stated as their 'final' offer.
I don't know who the customer is. I'm working thru a negotiator.
If I tried to sell this on ebay, I wonder what I'd get?
Sales has never been my strong point.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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I'll admit that this problem I have is a bit out of the ordinary and is a problem people would wish they had.

But I need some ideas and alternative paths. So I thought the ever, vocal population here would speak up.


When I sold my first agency, I got one piece of advice: "Hold on until you get "fuck you" money.

I didn't. I should have.

So hold on until you can get "fuck you" money.

You'll know what it is when you get it. :)


"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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If you have any local friends who are committed and gifted salespeople, you might want to ask one to come over. There's something about being in sales that crosses the boundaries of what you're selling sometimes.

They evaluate benefits and drawbacks on both sides (it's their job, after all). Then they talk to you about them.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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