
So who has a Dell

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and has to send the battery back to the company for a replacement? I just bought (second hand, not even two months old, 500 bucks. Sweet!) a Dell lap top from a friend. Did the battery search and found that I don't have the battery thats listed on the site that has been recalled. Yeah! :)
Me no want to smoke my new Dell!:);)

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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Be careful with the battery anyway. Even the non-affected ones can get hot. I have an unaffected Dell, and it toasts my legs in the morning.

Wendy W.
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I was on the phone for a few hours last night with DELL Technical support in regards to a spyware infection which corrupted my notebook...I'm very pleased with their customer service and patience to help me get it worked out.

Next I need to call back about the battery recall.


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See I was wondering how long it actually took to get the replacement battery. That was one of the reasons why I might not have bought it, had it been the one with the recall issue, I didn't want to fuck around with getting the replacement.

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I got a chill pad for my dell laptop.
It has 2 fans in it and the laptop sits on top, the chill pad plugs into a USB port and you would not believe how much cooler the computer stays. I can run it for hours and it does not even feel warm.

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I keep my laptop on a plastic stand that props it up and keeps it better cooled. And when I use it on my lap, I sit indian style and rest the laptop on it's egdes. I guess they weren't really meant for laps! :S

~ Lisa
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Me no want to smoke my new Dell!:);) Bobbi



The faulty batteries can be traced back to this month's production (Aug 2006)..... SONY started making those batteries back in 2004.... [:/]

For the moment, only DELL computers are affected. BUT, since Sony manufactures OEM batteries, for MANY more computer makers...This could only be the tip of the iceberg..... :(

Only for the DELL brand, the estimated cost for SONY to replace the faulty batteries, could reach 430 millions$... :o:o:o


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