
Most Memorable Skydives

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I forgot to add my jump with the cows. They all followed me when I started walking back to the dz and I stopped and told them unless one of them was giving me a ride back, they had to stay. I swear every one of them stopped following me!
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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Balloon, helicopter and jet were all cool, but my first crew dock was by far the best jump I've made. Looking down and seeing a dude hanging from the A-lines that your feet are hooked around is awesome, particularly since only moments before you were sure that it was going to end in a wrap!
Thanks Ray!
"Here's a good specimen of my own wisdom. Something is so, except when it isn't so."

Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy

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First jump (static line)
first 727 jump (I had 62 jumps)
first CRW (wow)
fist sub 200sqft jump (Jonathon 136)
first big air-plane (Queen-Air)
first time Mal (terminal video round)
first naked jump(Helo Stallion)
first DC-9 jump (cool)
first sub 100sqft jump(96 Velocity)
Nationals round 10 2002 (just clicked)
8-way with 7 airspeed and me (13 or 14 in time)
first cross country of more then 10miles (scary)
first High alt (23000)
first Helo at Quincy (wicked 412)
first 50-way that turned more then 3 points
First night CRW (two stack SbS DP)
first night sub 100 (89)
First super small canopy (63) 212 exit
when they asked me to be S&TA (God help them)

I'll just stop because I could find at least 3 or 400 more. My skydiving career has been very good. I hope everyone has this many memories after 15 yrs.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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First jump with Lindercles - My alti froze right before exit and I freaked, borrowed Walt's and left the plane with Lindercles. We nailed the exit and had a fantastic jump, but I had a look of sheer terror on my face the whole time. But it was all worth it to see him in Walt's RW suit.

Hey, that suit is the only reason your altimeter made it to the ground in one piece! :P

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One of my most memorable jumps was one I really shouldn't have made... ;)

The pilot had gotten to around 2000 feet and said he couldn't go any higher because of the clouds, so a few of us jumped anyway. As soon as I got my canopy sorted out, I turned around and saw a big black cloud traveling toward me really fast. I tried to get down as fast as I could, but the storm hit me and the wind was so high that I was flying backwards at a scary speed.

I cleared a barbwire fence and then kept looking behind me trying to miss the mesquite bushes. I somehow managed to stand up the landing, but my canopy settled into a thorny bush, and then it started pouring rain. So I carefully pulled my canopy down and then trekked back to the dz in the rain. Of course all of us who jumped landed in all sorts of weird places and we were all soaked, but luckily no one got hurt. Definitely one of my more adrenaline-charged jumps. :D

Oh, and my first heli jump, balloon jump and ultralite jump were all some of favorites. :)

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There are a lot, but if I had to pick the most memorable, it would probably be my scariest.

In 1998, I was filming the world record attempts at skydive Chicago. On one of the latter jumps, we completed a 259way, but it wast held long enough (a couple of jumps later a 248 way was completed). At break-off, I tracked for a few and then dumped as planned. I reached for my breaks a WHAM! I got hit by another jumper.

We wrapped and off the races we went! After a few, he chopped and his canopy cleared mine, but mine was ripped in 1/2. I chopped and was under my reserve at about 1,500 ft.

For the life of me (no pun intended), I was amazed that we didn't hit anyone else during this whole event. We collided probably around 5,000 ft and spun through all of the jumpers that were below us and it was a 259 way none the less!

That jump has to be my most memorable!


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#6--Self inflicted 2 out jump
#42--1st jump on my own rig, breaks came unstowed on opening and one toggle flipped way up and was upside down, couldn't get it, should have cutaway but tried to land using rear risers. Hit ground in full flight with pretty much no flare. Walked away!
#57 1st Naked Jump
#58 1st Eight Way

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when they asked me to be S&TA (God help them)


Yes! God Help Us!! Really, I mean it! I still can't wait until you have your first argument with yourself over something stupid you did.

And I'm offended that our naked jump last weekend didn't make the official list! They're natural C's (or D's according to Victoria's Secret) for cryin' out loud!!

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