
my daughter wants to start a post for children of skydivers

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She wants to meet more kids that have skydiving parents. I dont know if this is a good thing or a bad thing;) I think that she would like to have more kids to play with when we travel to different DZ's. We usualy dont take them because we think they will be bored.

My daughter is 13 years old, is there enough jumpers here that have kids that age, and that they will let message online every once in awhile? Or should I keep her THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE:S?

Blue Skies
"I will stick you with a rope"- ME

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Or should I keep her THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE

From here, dz.com? Your call, but as a mod, I'm not gonna start looking at moderating for profanity and nudity. This is an adult sport.

From the internet to chat wioth other kids: could be fun, but I know you should also be carefull.

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What about maybe a email list? Id never allow my children as minors on a forum because it will take longer to supervise what is being said, but emails are easy to track if a parent wants. My kids know they have no privacy if they are online.

Plus mine would turn into post whores.... [:/]
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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My Daughter travels with me almost every weekend.

She even has a "job" as my chief safety inspector, she has a set of "safety" business cards and she fills one out each time I jump. It has; rig, helmet, eye wear, altimeter, jump suit, gloves, hug, student (with Harness, helmet, goggles and suit) and video dude. She gets $10 of every Tandem I make that she fills out the card and $5 for every sport/solo/coach jump.

We frequent Skydive Paris, Paris TN, Skydive Smokey Mountains (Tennessee) and Greene County Ohio.

I have even taken to bringing along one of her friends for her on the local trips so she isn't bored. We also plan some Dad & Daughter activities along our trip so it isn't ALL about me, cause lets face it until she is packing or jumping it is all about me the jumper.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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My son is 11 and I think he would get a kick out of it also. I would love to help but I am just learning how to post myself. My husband has been helping along the way but I feel completely stupid when it comes to DZ.com[:/]

I think the email list is a great idea. PM me if there is anything you would like me to do.:)Chrissy
"I will stick you with a rope"- ME

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I took my daughter out to the DZ when she was 13, She learned to pack and was planning on coming back regularly on weekends and making some extra money.

It did take very long at all for to see what a bad idea this was. Plain and simply, The DZ is an Adult playground. It is not Child friendly. It would unreasonable of me to expect others to watch their language and/or their subject matter and their behavior while my child is around. And the language, Behavior and subject matter of many conversations were completely inappropriate for 13 year old girl in my opinion.

I think the same would apply for this web site since it is pretty much a Virtual DZ.

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Not that HH doesn't have enough to do, but there could be a filter that when a "underage" account is created (managed by the parents) it would limit the access to the kids.... (like the DD forum or the moderator forum).... just an idea..... :S

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Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Actually by using their parents email address as the main one might make it more secure, but let them have their own user name. My kids remind everyone they are much more mature then me :D Some DZs are very kid friendly and thats the ones I go to now regardless if I bring my kids or not. I think that kids could benefit from this as long as the parents are aware of their participation and no personal information is given out by the kids. I also wouldnt want a public view.... ie guests can come read everything here without a user name. I think it would need to be private between skydivers and thier kids and that will also help it to remain small. I know if this takes off that it will be a bonus in some of our lives and easier to know which dz might have kids that day attending with their parents... that way we can get a rug rat packing class going.... pack jobs are steep these days. :P
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I personally wouldnt want it attached to the dz.com thing. This is our place to be rude, and crude .... not mom like sometimes... and I wouldnt want some of the people that arent parents to be able to go in and act like themselves which would be easier if it was part of dz.com ... we have hosting if you need help with that. I dont know how much or much about website hosting but well pm your number and Ill pass him the phone and you two could brainstorm about the actual hosting if you dont have that
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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