
Feedback on web site

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I am working on a web site for my local DZ and since we all know funding is a big issue I had went with a free server and I am looking for soem feedback on what else to add to this site. I am still working on what photos to put into place. But want to keep it simple and all that.

Then before this next session opens I will be able to advertise it and get folks in.

Let me know what you think here. Please remeber this is still a work in progress and the photos pages is not really to par yet..


Kenneth Potter
FAA Senior Parachute Rigger
Tactical Delivery Instructor (Jeddah, KSA)
FFL Gunsmith

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You're missing a lot of basic info...

Operating Days/Hours
Requirements for up-jumpers
Any details about your student program

Your best bet might be to start by looking at the web sites of several DZs to get an idea of what works. Certainly there's a lot of awful web sites out there, but at least you can get an idea of what kind of content to include and work that into your own simple design.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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You're missing a lot of basic info...

Operating Days/Hours
Requirements for up-jumpers
Any details about your student program

Your best bet might be to start by looking at the web sites of several DZs to get an idea of what works. Certainly there's a lot of awful web sites out there, but at least you can get an idea of what kind of content to include and work that into your own simple design.

Agreed, by looking at that website I have learnt absolutely nothing about your Dropzone apart from its location - a simple map would probably help there too.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Personally, I like minimalistic websites when it comes to design. However, you need to put some real contents in there. :)
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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You are off to a great start. I agree with everyone's suggestions. I would like to also suggest that you make the menu the same on every single page so people will not have to think about it, as well as placing contact info and a home page link somewhere consistant as well. I like your initial page, keep going! :)
...like fetch with a GR. :)

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I would like to also suggest that you make the menu the same on every single page so people will not have to think about it, as well as placing contact info and a home page link somewhere consistant as well.

This is a must...

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Couple of thoughts:

On the Guesbook page, at the bottom:
"Please leave your commnets that others would find useful in taking that leap." Also, I would put a link so that visitors can read the guestbook entries.

I'd probably re-think this statement on the photo page: "Feel free to download and use images."
Maybe change it to say that it's free to use for non-commercial purposes or something similar. I also like sites where pictures can be expanded to desktop size.

I would also put the hours of operation, contact info (address, phone #, fax #, email addresses, names), directions, and a picture from, or a link to Mapquest/Google Maps somewhere on the site. The hours and Lynn's contact phone are in the text, but I'd clump them together someplace too. I like having all of that info in one area so that it's easy to print out on one sheet. Maybe link to a separate Information page that's printer friendly.

I would also add:
1. Copyright information on all pages.
2. Pictures to the home page...the pages need attention getters!
3. Real content
4. A page for staff pictures and info. I'm new to my DZ and wish their staff page was updated. I'm starting to match faces/names, but I'd have a much easier time if I could just take a look at a page when I'm at home.

Like Rasmack said, I too like simple sites w/out Flash and all that kinds of stuff. They are quick to load, even on dial up connections.

Good start on the site!
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