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  1. Thanks man, I feel better. I searched it here and it seemed to be an insult, but I guess it's not. -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)
  2. I am and I will. I really don't think I am a whuffo. I get why people want to do it. I'm not clueless. My concern was/is with her safety (and now the people around her - thanks for planting that seed in my mind, recovercrachead haha). -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)
  3. Thank you! You have all been very instrumental in my being able to be on board with this. My idea of skydiving was way off. -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)
  4. Thanks. I will / am. She's really excited about the spring. -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)
  5. What does "the sky gods taking her on a safety meeting" mean? (newbie, sorry) Safety meeting = round the back of the hangar for consumption of less than legal substances. Apparently it was big in the 70's I wouldn't be worried about her taking them up on their offer. She's an adult and a mommy. Those days are long gone. I would worry however if I knew that people she were diving with were stoned. I think I'd go from supportive husband to raving jerk in about 2 seconds. -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)
  6. Damn. Beat me to it! What does "the sky gods taking her on a safety meeting" mean? (newbie, sorry) -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)
  7. Aw thanks! You just completely made my day. I love my wife so deeply, I would do anything for her. She is the best wife a man could ask for.
  8. Thank you for taking the time to share that with me (us). I was very moved by your words. Thank you all for your advice and your stories. Please know I won't stop her. She needs to do this and I need to support her. I am trying to find the strength to help her and you ALL have helped me so much and in turn, you've helped her. I am going to follow everyone's advice (except tomvailco's. I'm far too chicken to jump right now, but I'm actually considering it). I'm going to learn all I can. I'm going to help her in any way I can. She will have the best cheerleaders at the DZ. Two cute little girls and one old fart husband!
  9. You are all so awesome! I told her about this thread and this site today at lunch. When she's free, I bet she'll stop in and say hi. Thank you all again! -Gretsch -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)
  10. You are off to a great start. I agree with everyone's suggestions. I would like to also suggest that you make the menu the same on every single page so people will not have to think about it, as well as placing contact info and a home page link somewhere consistant as well. I like your initial page, keep going! :) -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)
  11. hi Everyone, I wanted you to know I'm still reading this thread and very interested in your responses. I appreciate every one of them. Again, and again - thank you! -Gretsch -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)
  12. [chaoskitty] [jojo69] Thank you both for this advice. One thing I can say about my wife, she is very supportive of my dreams. That is why it's so important for me to deal with my fears. I do not want to be a buzz kill for her. She's so excited and thrilled about this. Everyone has given me a lot to think about and a definate game plan. I think I'm going to tell her, if she hasn't already found this site, to come visit here. You people are awesome! Thank you! -Gretsch -Gretsch fetch with a GR. :)