
walt is post whoring

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I'm new at skydiving, I haven't gotten used to it yet, but I'm willing to try ;)

Ok, here's how it works. Guys are not supposed to reveal this, but here goes.

DZs are populated with lots of guys who think they are really, really cool.

When they see a new hottie on the DZ, what happens is not unlike those weird animal mating rituals you see on nature shows. You can practically smell the testosterone in the air as they strut their stuff toward you and say, "Hi, my name is , are you new here? I'd be happy to show you around."

A conversation will ensue that goes someting like this:

[you say] "That's really nice of you to show me around. How long have you been jumping here?"

[he thinks] "Yeah, I wanna nail that--oh hell yes!!!!"

[he says] "I've been jumping here for a couple of years and have somewhere around 5 zillion jumps. I'm not exactly sure because I quit logging them a few billion jumps ago."

[he thinks] "Ok, now she knows she's with a SKYGOD, but I'm going to act humble for a little while so that she thinks that not only am I a skygod, but I'm really down-to-earth."

[he says] "So, tell me about yourself. Where did you grow up?"

[you say] "Well I was born in exotica, Jamaica, but we moved around quite a bit because...."

[what he hears] "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...."

[what he thinks] "Man, I'm gonna get me some of that!!!!"

It will continue for a while, then another guy will swoop in and do his mating ritual dance, and then another, and so on.

Personally, I think it's pretty funny to watch but I'm not involved in any of it. If I were, I suppose it could get kind of old.


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I'm new at skydiving, I haven't gotten used to it yet, but I'm willing to try ;)

Ok, here's how it works. Guys are not supposed to reveal this, but here goes.

DZs are populated with lots of guys who think they are really, really cool.

When they see a new hottie on the DZ, what happens is not unlike those weird animal mating rituals you see on nature shows. You can practically smell the testosterone in the air as they strut their stuff toward you and say, "Hi, my name is , are you new here? I'd be happy to show you around."

A conversation will ensue that goes someting like this

[you say] "That's really nice of you to show me around. How long have you been jumping here?"

[he thinks] "Yeah, I wanna nail that--oh hell yes!!!!"

[he says] "I've been jumping here for a couple of years and have somewhere around 5 zillion jumps. I'm not exactly sure because I quit logging them a few billion jumps ago."

[he thinks] "Ok, now she knows she's with a SKYGOD, but I'm going to act humble for a little while so that she thinks that not only am I a skygod, but I'm really down-to-earth."

[he says] "So, tell me about yourself. Where did you grow up?"

[you say] "Well I was born in exotica, Jamaica, but we moved around quite a bit because...."

[what he hears] "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...."

[what he thinks] "Man, I'm gonna get me some of that!!!!"

It will continue for a while, then another guy will swoop in and do his mating ritual dance, and then another, and so on.

Personally, I think it's pretty funny to watch but I'm not involved in any of it. If I were, I suppose it could get kind of old.


:D:D good one! But I believe you are guilty of this. ;)
Be yourself!

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ok i'm back had to go for a run... can't sleep, havent gotten real sleep in like 2 days.

your mating ritual at the dz includes brightly colored tiedyed t shirts to try and attract the opposite sex


Trust me, camo pants and tie-dyed shirts do NOT attract the opposite sex, except for maybe women looking for a "fixer upper". The women who like me do so despite my taste in DZ clothing.


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Ok, here's how it works. Guys are not supposed to reveal this, but here goes.

DZs are populated with lots of guys who think they are really, really cool.

When they see a new hottie on the DZ, what happens is not unlike those weird animal mating rituals you see on nature shows. You can practically smell the testosterone in the air as they strut their stuff toward you and say, "Hi, my name is , are you new here? I'd be happy to show you around."

A conversation will ensue that goes someting like this:

[you say] "That's really nice of you to show me around. How long have you been jumping here?"

[he thinks] "Yeah, I wanna nail that--oh hell yes!!!!"

[he says] "I've been jumping here for a couple of years and have somewhere around 5 zillion jumps. I'm not exactly sure because I quit logging them a few billion jumps ago."

[he thinks] "Ok, now she knows she's with a SKYGOD, but I'm going to act humble for a little while so that she thinks that not only am I a skygod, but I'm really down-to-earth."

[he says] "So, tell me about yourself. Where did you grow up?"

[you say] "Well I was born in exotica, Jamaica, but we moved around quite a bit because...."

[what he hears] "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...."

[what he thinks] "Man, I'm gonna get me some of that!!!!"

It will continue for a while, then another guy will swoop in and do his mating ritual dance, and then another, and so on.

Personally, I think it's pretty funny to watch but I'm not involved in any of it. If I were, I suppose it could get kind of old.

This is very true... :D

and also explains why I can't pick up DZ girls... :D:D
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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also everytime walt jumps out of a AN-2 god kills a kitten:D

Wow, well if David said it, and he IS a Skygod, it MUST be true!

Uhhhh, so Walt, how many women actually fall for that and how many of these guys actually get the girl in the end, 'cause I gotta tell ya, I just don't see it happenin'... We may be just as desperate as you, but we try to hide it a little better!
Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

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also everytime walt jumps out of a AN-2 god kills a kitten:D

Wow, well if David said it, and he IS a Skygod, it MUST be true!

Uhhhh, so Walt, how many women actually fall for that and how many of these guys actually get the girl in the end, 'cause I gotta tell ya, I just don't see it happenin'... We may be just as desperate as you, but we try to hide it a little better!

I'm really not qualified to answer that but I'd bet you could get some really good responses in the women's forum and you'll probably get some great PMs.

Like just about anyplace else, you'll be treated at the DZ the way you *insist* on being treated. If you don't take the mating rituals seriously and get past that, you'll find that most (but certainly not *all*) guys at the DZ will act like gentlemen. Gentlemen who talk like sailors and act a bit crazy at times for sure, but that stuff is all in fun.

I'm just guessing here, but I think the guys who most women get attracted to at the DZ are instructors whose students develop an attraction for them. I've never been a skydiving instructor and don't ever want to be one but that's my guess.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting you and don't worry--even though I have eleventy-zillion jumps (I'm not sure because I quit logging a few billion jumps ago), I'm a humble, down-to-earth guy....:D:D


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I never had that response....

You're kidding, right? K, you're warm, smart, and funny and I have to believe that comes across in person and you have been "treated" to the mating rituals a time or two!

I was talking with a student a while back. She was 50-ish and told me, "The worst thing you can be on a drop zone is a fifty year old woman", or something like that. She said that the young hot chicks got all the attention and she could tell that whenever an instructor was assigned to her, he felt like he had gotten a raw deal.

I really prefer to think otherwise, but maybe I'm being naive. Or more likely, I think it must depend on the DZ.


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I never had that response....

You're kidding, right? K, you're warm, smart, and funny and I have to believe that comes across in person and you have been "treated" to the mating rituals a time or two!

I'm not saying that guys haven't been nice. I have a lot of male friends on the dz... just that they generally don't trip over each other to sleep with me. Which, trust me, I am quite ok with. I'd much rather know them as friends than just be the "fresh meat" or the "next in line."

Maybe I'm just missing the ritual....

(honestly... in the six dz's across the country over the past 4 yrs.... only two guys made any real attempt that I could appreciate.... I'm not including the drunken remarks made to every girl at CouchFreaks)

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