
life in a cube

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You Work in Corporate America If...

- You sat at the same desk for 4 years and worked for three different companies.

- Your resume is on a diskette in your pocket.
- You learn about your layoff on CNN.
- Your biggest loss from a system crash is that you lose your best jokes.

- You sit in a cubicle smaller than your bedroom closet.
(I have knocked over my trashcan by just moving my chair)

- Salaries of the members on the Executive Board are higher than all the Third World countries' annual budgets combined.
(In all fairness, the company IS financially bigger than most of those countries.)

- You see a good looking person and know they're a visitor.
(Or a consulting company rep, always hotties. Ours are a former Hooters waitress and an airline attendant.)

- Free food left over from meetings is your main staple of your diet.
(I don't object to that)

- You're already late on the assignment you just got.
(I've been taken off an assignment for 3 weeks, reassigned, and asked why I was 3 weeks late.)

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I've got friends that work in that crap environment. There's a reason why I choose not to go down that career path. Almost did, but I walked away from the IT world after the IT crash.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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You Work in Corporate America If...

- You learn about your layoff on CNN.

I actually had that happen to me when i worked for AOL. Not fun at all. Not ten minutes after i read that they where laying off like 16,000 people or some such BS the phone rang telling me to head to the bosses office.
As a general rule, the better it felt when you said it, the more trouble it's going to get you into.

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You Work in Corporate America If...

- You're already late on the assignment you just got.
(I've been taken off an assignment for 3 weeks, reassigned, and asked why I was 3 weeks late.)

And then you deliver the assignment and no one can be bothered with it! I spent a frantic week building an app they HAD to have. That was 2 months ago and it has yet to be used.

Or how about you boss giving you an unreasonable deadline then seemingly sabatoging you by setting up 2 meetings a day! Even when you ask him to stop!!!!!

What a week!

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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You Work in Corporate America If...

- You sat at the same desk for 4 years and worked for three different companies.

Yep, that was me.

However, the fourth time, they laid everyone off, but they needed us to stay for 9 months to convert all the systems to the new company. If we didn't stay, they were fucked. They put together a package so lucrative, that I paid off the mortgage with it. They actually paid me to come in for months after they switched off the system for reasons that were never quite explianed. I just watched movies all day. After I left, they continued to pay me for six months. Then I hit up unemployment.

Now I have no debts, and can afford to skydive for a living. Sometimes you can escape from your cubicle.

Now the rest of you get back to work.

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Or how about you boss giving you an unreasonable deadline then seemingly sabatoging you by setting up 2 meetings a day! Even when you ask him to stop!!!!!

That's an old game. Always 2 weeks before annual review.

Give you 150 hours of work, to get done in two weeks. You work 60 hours for 2 weeks and don't get it finished (or if you do, it is not "acceptable"). They are "disappointed".

P-W consulting were the masters of that.
"I want you to know that we hired you because you are the best and brightest. Because of your problem with your deliverables, your raise isn't going to be the best, but I am on your side (insert cheesy smile). So, you'll get a 4% raise. I have high hopes for you."

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I've been with the same company for 5+ years. In that time, I've switched cubes at least 4 times, and worked in 2 different buildings. We used to have 8x10 cubes, but they switched to 8x8 so they could cram more people into the building. We also got bought out by a larger company a few years ago, so now we still do the same job, as a subdivision of that company.

I can also totally relate to losing all my games and web surfing sites when my CPU crashes.

There are a few good looking people here, but they're definitely in the minority.

I almost never buy any food besides dinner after work, since we have free cereal, oatmeal, and sometimes soups, and leftovers from meetings. There are also vending machines that used to be free, but now cost a quarter after we got bought out. It's funny that most people complained a lot about that, but the buyout caused the stock price to soar and our 401k is a lot better.

I also have trouble meeting deadlines.:)

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