
Reserve repack 120th day jump-able?

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If my reserve was repacked on Oct 22, 2006...should the DZ allow me to jump it on Feb 18, 2007 (sunday). I counted oct 22 as day 1, feb 18th is day 120. Do I have to the end of the 120th day? thanks.

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thanks. thats what i figured since it is an FAA rule...they tend to go to the "end of the unit" when setting time requirements...at least thats what i have learn so far studying for my sport license.:)
now i am happy...we can jump this sunday!

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Do I have to the end of the 120th day?

FAR wording is that it must have been packed "Within 120 days before the date of its use."

So counting the day it was packed, the cycle is actually 121 days. But to get that kind of mileage, you'd have to get your rigger up early in the morning to pack for you--not recommended:P

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Do I have to the end of the 120th day?

FAR wording is that it must have been packed "Within 120 days before the date of its use."

So counting the day it was packed, the cycle is actually 121 days. But to get that kind of mileage, you'd have to get your rigger up early in the morning to pack for you--not recommended:P

However, I also believe that it helps if the Fed doing the ramp check reads it the same way, and had a good nights sleep. For eliminating arguments, I try to space things so that repacks happen ON the 120th day (or pull them from service by then), so they are already out of service.

Part of not having stess in your life is to not give someone reason to argue symantecs with you while they are holding your license and a pair of tin-snips... ;)

BTW - ASSUME I charge $60 for a repack. That one day we are arguing about is $.50. A fine for violating the FAR's was running ~$1000 per occurance (read "per jump"), and its not just your butt on the line, but also the DZO and pilot (that's what the fine was when a pilot got busted for an out-of-date emergency rig a few years ago) Break-even point... 2000 repacks done one day later for each violated jump.

Your choice.... You can argue it in FAA court, I will get it repacked a day/week early.

Just my $.02 (or ~58 minute's worth ;) ),
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Always better to get it packed a few days ahead.

But here's the way I figure it. take the date it was packed (22nd) and add 120, which gives you 142. Minus 31 for oct, minus 30 for Nov., minus 31 each for Dec. and Jan., leaves you with 19 days in Feb. You're good up to and including Feb 19th.

My latest repack was Feb 11th + 120 is 131. Minus 28 for Feb, minus 31 for March, minus 30 for April, minus 31 for May, leaves me 11 days in June.

This system absolutely works for any date, any year, including leap years (long as you figure in one extra day for February).

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Always better to get it packed a few days ahead.

But here's the way I figure it. take the date it was packed (22nd) and add 120, which gives you 142. Minus 31 for oct, minus 30 for Nov., minus 31 each for Dec. and Jan., leaves you with 19 days in Feb. You're good up to and including Feb 19th.

My latest repack was Feb 11th + 120 is 131. Minus 28 for Feb, minus 31 for March, minus 30 for April, minus 31 for May, leaves me 11 days in June.

This system absolutely works for any date, any year, including leap years (long as you figure in one extra day for February).

Also turns out to be 17 weeks and 1 day... So if you are usually a weekend flyer/jumper (like me), and work with a rigger who usually packs during the week (like me), a Monday-Thursday repack never leaves the weekend in doubt... its either IN or OUT.

Always remember that some clouds are harder than others...

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