
Postage Paid Envelope Revenge!

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...AMEX just screwed me out of $100 on a cash rebate award last month......so I mailed them a 17 lb concrete block last week...

Dang Jason now I'm going to have to call lan support and get a new keyboard; mine is filled with coffee. Maybe I'll just take it outside and hose it out.

I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

Hope all is well with you.


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Hey Layton, or anyone else who works for the USPS...

BTW I love the idea and have started stuffing the prepaid envelopes. BUT I worry about something when it comes to mailing something big like a rock or brick:

The whole idea is to stick it to somebody we don't like (spammers) while helping out somebody we do like (the somewhat ailing USPS). My question is: are we sure the companies have to receive and pay the postage on these items? Or do the companies have the right to refuse receipt on the obviously malicious packages and leave the USPS stuck with the cost of hauling my dirty underwear and old coffee grounds halfway across the country?

Elvisio "it's fun to go postal" Rodriguez

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Good question. I'm not sure about the rights these companies have against sneaky legal weasles like myself, but I do know that many of my packages have made it through to the sender with success. I can only assume that if the USPS is willing to take the garbage from you at the counter, that they'll follow through and deliver it. Since a lot of this bulk prepaid crap is delivered in large bundles and sacks, chances are they'll not find your box of coffee grinds and dirty underwear until they are sorting their own mail.

I think the real issue here is having the balls to hand over a big friggin' rock with a postage paid envelope to the 69 year-old elderly lady behind the counter. It's kinda like the rush you get on a BASE jump....


are we sure the companies have to receive and pay the postage on these items? Or do the companies have the right to refuse receipt on the obviously malicious packages and leave the USPS stuck with the cost of hauling my dirty underwear and old coffee grounds halfway across the country?

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