
Home Inspectors

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I had a home inspector do the house my wife and I eventually bought. We learned a lot of stuff we never thought about.

Not a home inspector myself, but what questions have you got?
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I'm just brainstorming on some career paths. I wanted to see if anyone on here was one to get an opinion on it.

Do you have knowledge of the subject?

You gotta like going in crawl spaces and attics - walking roofs - and flirting with a bunch of real estate agents to get on their lists.

The one that inspected a house I was involved with the sale of - found all the little things that did not concern us as sellers, (leafs on the roof, cosmetic paint blemishes on the inside of the house) but did not see a few of the big issues that I was aware of and did absolutely nothing to hide - like a big 3 foot hole under the front door sidewalk with a huge crack across the patio - or a pile of mud on the basement floor that clearly came from a flood.

Now the people who purchased the home were smart people and asked the right questions and we answered them. 1) we were mud jacking the patio anyway due to a gutter that broke causing water to run along the foundation and reveal poor back filling that lasted 20 years before being exposed, but they were buying it so fast the contractor had not been there. 2) the flood in the basement came from a broken pipe that had been repaired, and the mud came from the crawl space. Neither were structural. And the homeowner did not make us paint the bathroom or clean the roof as his agent's inspector recommended - because it was fall, and the leafs had already blown away...

If you are at all mechanically inclined, know a bit about construction and repairs - or you think you could learn about these things - I bet you will be better than the average guy in the industry....

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The one I used as a buyer prevented me from buying one place because of structural concerns, and discovered a mold problem in the attic of the house I ended up buying. I think its fair to say he saved me a lot of grief and money. Plus, this is my first home and I'll admit to being a moron when it comes to all the little things involved with owning a home- plumbing, electricity, gutters, etc. He made a real effort to walk me around the house and show me stuff.

My sellers on the other hand were not too thrilled with the guy!:o The first guy was pissed that I backed out of the deal and wanted to know why. He didn't understand that if we told him why, he'd have to tell everyone else who looked at the house!

Treating the mold in the attic of the house I bought cost my sellers over $3000.00 and that was less than half the bid from the first company!

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Look into becoming a "mold inspector". Near as I can tell, the one I used was paid $350.00 to confirm the home inspector's opinion that there was clearly visible mold growing on the attic walls, without assessing the type of mold or how to treat it. ("Yup, looks like mold to me.") He then called a "mold remediation" company to do a more detailed assessment and bid on the job.

Apparently in my area, you can't just call a mold remediation company directly and say, "I've got a mold problem, can you take a look and see what needs to be done?" They won't come out and look unless the special "mold inspector" goes to the home first.

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