
Anybody else not watch TV?

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We don't own a tv. We don't watch tv. We don't watch ANY tv. I sometimes have to ask friends to turn off their tv when I'm visiting. I won't go into bars or restaurants that have tvs blaring. Why are they there? How annoying!

And unlike the rest of the western world that watches 5 hours of the crap every day, I hardly ever have to say,

"Dinner was just fast food for me. I'd cook but I just don't have the time."

"I'd love to go to the park with you but I'm SOOO busy."

"I don't KNOW where all my time goes."

Your post reminded me of an episode of This American Life called "What I learned from TV".

In one act, a writer, who hadn't watched TV since college, was asked to get cable and watch 29 hours of TV in one week (the average amount watched by Americans) and report his findings.

A funny quote:

"Upon telling my friend Jane that I had subscribed to cable - she replied, THANK GOD. Now we have something to talk about!"

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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Don't have cable here. I listen to News/Talk Radio if I want any kind of media entertainment. We have a nice DVD collection.

I don't miss most of the mainstream cable, but I do wish I could pick channels a-la-carte, like Discovery, History etc.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I sometimes have to ask friends to turn off their tv when I'm visiting.

You are a very bad guest.
take care,

Some people are so used to having the TV on in the background, they leave it on constantly.

My parents are like that. I always ask them to turn it down or off when they're/we're not watching it.

It is TOTALLY annoying.

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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we have cable but i hardly ever watch it i just hate beeing inside fullstop! im much happier going off for a walk or something my brother on the other hand as soon he gets home from school sits infront of the TV AND goes on his laptop and doesnt leave till he goes to bed and on weekends he even sleeps on the sofa so he doesnt have to walk into his room!
Falling from the top floor
your lungs fill like parachutes

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