
First AFF jump today

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Freaky, your hair "passed" your waist! I think that's a good sign, a sign that you'll be just fine--in fact the movement of your hair down towards your half moons usually coincides with the alignment of the stars. Based upon that observation one can surmise that now is the time to focus on success--specifically, those actions (visualized) needed to complete the jump. Aligning thoughts in that manner should work to dispel any notion of the contrary. In fact, get angry at the thought of failure and gain strength from the power you possess to succeed.

You're always the starter in your own life!

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I'm really nervous though. This time more than when I tried to go before.

You'll do fine. Trust your instructors. Envision the entire skydive in your mind a few times while you're up on the plane. Breathe at a normal rate. Just relax. I was nervous my first 20 jumps - about 15 static line and 5 AFF jumps. I would look out the door and say to myself "Why am I doing this again?" You'll be fine. Have fun and relax. Those are the two key things you need to concentrate on. Blue skies and good luck!

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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relax as much as you can, trust the instructors, work with the air not against it.

You're gonna have natural instincts the first jump, the kicking, little swimming as well, maybe, just remember arch and have fun. Pull that thingy when it's time as well.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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Guess I'll swing by on my way home and see who's behind all this online chatter.

By the way, do you know who your instructors are going to be?
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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