
ethical/health issue

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We had on girl on the squad, that just hated the smell of puke, so when ever we had someone that would turn into a fountain, she would have to work through her own dry heaves :D Couple of times, she would just give a quick yack herself and be good to go.

Embarrassing as hell, but also funny as hell

Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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Eww. I've only been involved in codes inside the hospital where we were both bagging and giving compressions simultaneously. So it's just my assumption that most of the goo comes during compressions. But, yep, there's a lot of it.

Even with the vomit scenario, though, I'd still have to do the best I could and puke later. 'Cause the bottom line is that the patient's chances of recovery will be better with oxygen going to his brain. That trumps the gross factor in my mind. And, again, the risks of contracting anything life-threatening from giving mouth-to-mouth is really, really low.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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truly depends on the situation , CPR mostly yes , as transmision of contagients is low , if person has any sores , blood then without protection no! , and same with first aid being given.

I had a situation where we stoped for a single car roll over a woman was all ready there trying to help the peson there was was of cource quite a bit of blood and the quy was looking quite bad off. I was waiting for my friend to get first aid kit so I could glove up while I was waiting she was hestiricle telling me to do something don't just stand ther. I told her why and she started to call me every name in the book. Once I had gloves I started to help , we got a C coller on and supported him till the ambulance got there.

Once they and they police arrived same protocol no contact without gloves. she made it quite clear to them what she thought of me and my friend for waiting to do anything.

2 days latter got a call from Public health doctor from the aera where the accident occoured the guy was Hep C positive. this reenforced my rule of no contact without gloves. It may be cold but there is a reason for it .
SO this one time at band camp.....

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."

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I agree, while working EMS -- Absolutely no contact without gloves, and that went for everything from car crashes, to the smallest booboo and even just transports.
Now in school they, they have this thing of making us shake hands and do exams without gloves (NOT ALL EXAMS). Its freaking weird.

We had a simulator class (a dummy/robot patient) and I got points deducted because I was standing "too far" from the patient :S. Apparently, it seemed uncaring. :|

Old habits are a bitch to break.
P.S. Working over 10 years in EMS and m my entire medical history -- Flu ONCE, and normal colds - Nothing else, ever.
I want to keep it that way.

Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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Well,This is a question that I have always asked myself. Been in EMS since"83 (ground and flight medic,RT) I know the mantra (gloves on, scene safe etc..) and at first I was the only CPR trained persson there.911 was called,I started compressions while the guy was still in the car, got help in getting him to the ground,gave 2 breaths and started 1 man CPR. Soon joined by a dentist and went to 2 man CPR. Shortly EMS arrived with BVM amd took over .I washed my mouth out contious with H2O2. Monitor showed V-Fib. He was packagage and sent to Truama Ctr. Never did find out what happenned. Never thought of the shirt barrier. Just could not sit by and do nothing.
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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