
Getting into skydiving, would like some reccommendations.

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I am currently reading and reading and reading too much information about skydiving gear, and I'd like to know what is a good canopy size and rig for a beginner. Something that will last me a good while, and of good quality. I am 5'9 or 10" and weigh about 170 lbs. I have kind of read that I would be about a C17? harness size?

Any direction towards rig, canopy, and harness sizing would be great.

Thanks in advance for your posts!

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It is great to have a lot of enthusiasm for the sport, however: the first thing you need to do is go through the training and get your license first. Most all skydivers start out on really big canopies and after their training go through a series of carefully watched down sizes before they are ready to purchase a rig of their own. There are a lot of variable to what size of canopy and type of canopy that will be recommended to you by your instructors. A lot depends on your competency of canopy flight and your exit weight.

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You will be required to use student gear as a student, and you wouldn't want to use student gear after not being a student. Go do your FJC and progress towards your license to make sure it really is for you before you start spending many thousands of dollars on gear.

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"C17" refers only to Javelin and Odessey harnesses made by Sun Path."C" means a large shoulder yoke.
"17" refers to the distance between the shoulders and hop joints.
Sun Path calculates harness length by starting with your height in inches, subtracting your inseam length, then subtracting another 20 inches (length of head and neck).

According to Sun Path's formula, you should wear a " " harness.
69-32-20 = 17 inches.
Note: I am guessing at your inseam length.

Every other manufacturer uses a different method for measuring harnesses.
For example, Mirage measures their harnesses as medium "+" or "-" number of inches.

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