
Maximum Exposure

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Usually there's nothing good on t.v. at this time of night, if you don't have cable or satellite or something.

But it just happens that a show called "Maximum Exposure" is on right now.

OMFG this show is the best thing on t.v., even when you DO have cable or satellite or something!! :D

They collect all these real videos of people wiping out on skateboards, ATVs, bikes, rollerblades, etc. etc. The voice-over says some really funny shit, too.

This one dude is trying to do a small-ish jump on a skateboard, essentially just trying to ollie over a narrow median strip of grass. They pause the video before the jump, showing the lanky, skinny kid. The announcer says something like, "Now, notice that Jonny has arms that are long and skinny and, maybe, kinda brittle."

He wipes out on the far side of the median, landing wrong, and slams down onto his hands/arms. When I saw what happened, I cringed and was literally SHOUTING, "OH MY GOD!" This dude's left arm went from normal to suddenly looking like a piece of spaghetti! OMFG it was soooo gross!

This show is addictive. Good thing it's in reruns, because their website says that it's no longer in production. You gotta try to catch it!
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i actually had to stop watching scarred, that was some nasty shit on there.

Same here......after five minutes of that, I was feeling nauseous. I had to flip to TLC (?) and watch a couple of operations to settle my stomach back down.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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I ALWAYS loved the show and was disappointed when Spike canceled it. Like you, it was the narration that made the show great. Unlike the serious narration of other video disaster shows you've got this smarmy, asshole narrator who makes light of everything.

They have some running bits like "SWEET Mullet" for every "dude" with a mullet or "dudes" or double negatives - "don't got no," etc.

A classic moment for me was an episode where this kid was stuck in a manhole and screaming. ater on there was a baby polar bear caught in a bear trap. The narrator says something to the effect of not be able to speak polar bear so here's a translation - and put in a viewbox of the kid screaming.

I also love the telestrator. THis guy was gonna jump off of a roof to a poo and said in the interviw that his brother said not to jump out just fall down. So the telestrator has an arrow pointing down with writing next to it: "Maybe Safe." Another arrow going out than down has the wririntg "Maybe Death."

Just a great smart-ass show.

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max-x had a show w/an AFF student who cut away instead of using the B.O.C. then hit power lines under the reserve....The only thing is they narrated it as a malfunction like the risers just tore off the rig!! in the interview w/the student he said something along the lines of "they teach you all this stuff in class but never showed me what to do when the canopy just leaves" something like that...any way the dude was a dumb ass who pulled his cut away handle and not his hackey.....so the show made it look like instructor and faulty equipment error from the DZ!!!! I sure would've like to see an interview w/the two instructors!!! No real point here except seeing that kind of shit made me want to beat this dude!!! >:( what DZ was this at and instructors...where you mad about this? oh and I guess that was the students last jump?

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