
Question for actors

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When their is a steamy lovemaking scene, like both actors are nude an obviously getting it on.
How do they manage to not penetrate
Does the woman have a special cover that the camera can't see.
Does the guy take Bromide before the scene.

Hows it done, inquiring mind wants to know.

Gone fishing

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Seems like I read somewhere that they do some sort of tape/patch thingy...

I did read a couple of weeks ago that there were a few movies made where they actually had intercourse when doing the scene for the movie (no not porn! I'm sure they didn't show the actual penetration). Wasn't like Indie flicks or anything either. I think that was back in the 70's-ish. Don't remember the actors or movie names.

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Come on, I'm sure some of you LA peeps must know how it's done.

Tweak. I heard the same thing years ago, Also years ago didn't some actress cry rape.

Tony,. You're getting purple screen mixed up with purple haze, Put the bottle down.

Gone fishing

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Sometimes, though, they "accidentally" insert. At which point they yell cut, and pull out.

Watch softcore skinamax and you'll notice that when they're on top of each other, they're about six inches off, diametrically.

NicoleSheridan on the board would have the best answers for you.

"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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