
Rant about your fucked up neighbor(s)!

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You feed the Raccoons? You deserve to be evicted.

In case you haven't received the memo, anyone who hates raccoons really sucks! Yeah, I know they are evil and destructive, but they are really smart and cute too.

I like raccoons much more than I like that fucked up neighbor or my fucked up landlords.

edited to add:
And since this is supposed to be a rant, why the fuck are so many people so fucking retarded they can't figure out that it's actually *easier* and cheaper to coexist with animals than it is to destroy them?


And another thing--the stupid bitch hates opossums too!


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My immediate neighbors have been refusing to move their cars after it snows so the plows can clear the spaces. After every storm when the plows come around (it's been a *very* snowy winter here) I've politely asked them to move the cars and their response has been "we don't care if our spaces get plowed". The only problem is that the plow is too wide to properly & safely clear a single space (mine) so I end up shovelling half the space; and I have back problems and probably shouldn't be shovelling! Somehow these people don't or won't realize that their actions are impacting me. I've taken it up with the condo board and was told that there was really nothing they can do about it. Huh?

Thanks for the thread Walt; I needed to vent! :)

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alternatively, take a squirt gun and put some water inside the locks. Loads of satisfaction can be derived watching them trying to unlock their car doors in the morning. :)

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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Never really had a problem with neighbors other than an occasional barking dog.

The day I signed my buyers agent agreement to find me a house was the day the guy upstairs started practicing on the drums. :P

He never did it late at night, but I wasn't there too much longer. :P

Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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I can't because I seriously have the coolest neighbors ever. I live in a complex with 4 townhouses and adore my neighbors - all very different, interesting people, and we all look out for each other and there's a real sense of community. The neighbors on either side are very nice as well. The "worst" neighbor is the slightly cranky old lady who lives behind me who seems paranoid about people trespassing on her yard and who occasionally asks me if I've seen anyone on her property. She's got no trespassing signs on her yard and always seems a bit wary of everything. But she's as bad as it gets, so I've got nothing to complain about. Some of the neighbors are a little on the quirky side but they're all perfectly pleasant people.

I lucked out - I really won the neighbor lottery.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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