
Extreme skier dies during film jump

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You and Walt can play off each other and insult me and say that I don't read good all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that this line is the equivalent of "Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane", in that we hear it every-single-time.

All death is tragic, and all death causes pain to those who are left. Death of celebrities is not reported because it's any more tragic, it's reported because it's more interesting and sells papers. Personally, I don't have time to take a minute out of my day for each of the millions of people who die every year regardless of how tragic. And I don't buy into the apparent attitude of report them all or don't report any of them. It seems that would be the only way to appease some people and not have to hear this same age old question over and over and over.

So, it has nothing to do with the 'evil' explanation or you being heartless. I do think though, that it trivializes their death...it's not MORE tragic, but it's also not LESS tragic either. So, if you want to make a post about your doctor dying, please do...it will be just as tragic as the next.

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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So, it has nothing to do with the 'evil' explanation or you being heartless. I do think though, that it trivializes their death...it's not MORE tragic, but it's also not LESS tragic either. So, if you want to make a post about your doctor dying, please do...it will be just as tragic as the next.


No insult intended here and this is not directed at you.

We live in a culture that trivializes and even glorifies death all the time--at least the deaths of people we don't know. The only scenario I can think of where someone is bothered by that is if they knew the dead person or felt some sort of connection with them or knew someone who did.

I may be the only one here honest enough to come out and say this, but I am not bothered that the guy died in a skiing accident. I didn't know him and didn't have to see any of the ugly aftermath like the people who had to clean up the mess or those who lost someone they cared about. It's not that I have any *desire* to trivialize the guy's life or death but I didn't know him and probably don't know anyone who did know him.

If anyone posts that they didn't know him and hadn't ever heard of him but yet grieve for his death, I'll think that either they are exagerrating or have an unequalled capacity for caring about their fellow man.

I personally think that pointing out that people die all the time does not trivialize death. If anything, it should point out that we need to consider life more important than we often do because it is in limited supply for each of us.


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You and Walt can play off each other and insult me and say that I don't read good all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that this line is the equivalent of "Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane", in that we hear it every-single-time.


You totally misread my post if you believe that was my intended message. I'm not insulting you. I'm stating fact. I knew what I was thinking when I posted it. You did not. BUT you arrogantly assume that I'm dismissing his, or the other doctors or anyones death. That is NOT what I said


We all die.

I hope that this skier enjoyed the life and challenges that he loved.


HE CHOSE to be who he wanted to, to live by his rules and ultimately to died.... just like everybody else should?

I am NOT minimizing his death, rather trying to focusing on the fact that he lived as he wanted. THAT was the focus of my post.

I'm not so naive to assume that I won't die - it might be skydiving, it might be skiing, it might be a pulmonary embolus from a clot due to immobilization. I don't know. But what I do know is that I would prefer that people remember that I lived the way that was important to me regardless of whether it might kill me or not.

Explaining my philosophy of life to you might just result in anger and argument... but it's still my philosophy on life.

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How does

But, why is his death (or this skier or Heath Ledgers or anyones) more "tragic" than anyone elses.

equate to


"Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane", in that we hear it every-single-time.

I don't understand your argument or your anger

I can't understand if

a. you truly did misread and misunderstand my intended message

b. you're looking for a fight

c. This skier was your brother/friend/lover/something and you're hurt with any imagined insult

d. you're trying to compete for Walts sig line.

at any rate.... WE ALL DIE, now go and live your life in the way that makes the whole journey meaningful to you.

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You totally misread my post if you believe that was my intended message. I'm not insulting you. I'm stating fact. I knew what I was thinking when I posted it. You did not. BUT you arrogantly assume that I'm dismissing his, or the other doctors or anyones death. That is NOT what I said

I'm not arrogantly assuming anything, simply saying that you asked the question that we hear so many times "why is a celebrity's death more tragic than any other?"


Explaining my philosophy of life to you might just result in anger and argument... but it's still my philosophy on life.

I assume that you are at least owning up to your side of the anger and argument.
I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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How does
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But, why is his death (or this skier or Heath Ledgers or anyones) more "tragic" than anyone elses.

equate to

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"Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane", in that we hear it every-single-time.

I don't understand your argument or your anger

Because when we say that we skydive we hear the question a ridiculous amount of times. When we have a discussion on here about a celebrity dying, we inevitably have a post that says "why is his death any more tragic than any other"?


a. you truly did misread and misunderstand my intended message

Don't believe I did. And I'm not referring to your intended message, I'm simply referring to the question.


b. you're looking for a fight

Um, nope.


c. This skier was your brother/friend/lover/something and you're hurt with any imagined insult

Nope, didn't know him.


d. you're trying to compete for Walts sig line.

At least I have some good competition. :P

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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in that we hear it every-single-time.

so do we need to hear


OTOH, I would have offed myself immediately after the entire world saw me make out with a dude on film.

more often when someone dies?

In response to your comment about my 'sensitivity' that you changed, I never said that I was sensitive or that you were not.



I don't quite get the discussion...I don't think anyone has said that it was "more sad" than any other young person who died today or will tomorrow. He happens to be famous so we discuss. I liked his acting. It's sad he's gone.

Maybe we can get HH to make a forum where someone can make a post for every single person who dies every single day.

seems to state what you were accusing me of saying.

I think this is funny after your comments about me taking your question out of context. I apologize for not properly quoting and making sure that you could follow, but this was in response to a line of discussion that was actually in parallel with this one.

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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