
PD106 Reserve in an Odyssey NJK

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Does anyone have experience putting a pd106 in a javelin nj or njk? I know a 113 will fit fine and I even squeezed a 126 in one a few times. But anyone who's packed a rig with a pop top and a reserve that was too small for the container knows that you can only go as small as the spring collapse distance...hard to describe here. Anyway. If anyone has seen it or done it let me know how it came out. I'm thinking about getting a NJK but i've got 106's in both of my RS's and didn't want to get another reserve.


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Your PD106 will fit fine in a PD113-sized container.
Use the same closing loop length.
The only difference will be a container that is a bit soft beside the pilotchute, making it a bit more difficult to "sink" the edge of the pilot chute cap.

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I guess we have each had our own experiences. In my RS-1 I have put a Velocity 120, and a Jedei 136 into it. I found it to be equal in size to the NJ I owned. Beyond that if you order a replacement DBag for an RS-1 it states as the size: RS-1/NJ With that being the case I have a hard time believing that they are different sizes.


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