
Fitness Freaks! Post For February 1st-February 7th

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Still not much working out the last few days, only now feeling fully recovered from getting sick, but at least it's right in time to ship out. I'm going to throw on my Coast Guard shirt and do a short run this afternoon, make sure that my legs are nice and limber before I go to Cape May, and do a bunch of situps so that I have the proper form.

When do you ship out again? :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I think the walking lunge/ shoulder press combo is what did it, but I swear, they were only 10 lb dumbells! >:( I was tired, but nothing "popped" or anything while I was doing it. By the time I was driving home I knew I must have done something though. I'm pissed because I am normally very careful with my form and breathing, especially with the upper body stuff because I'm still so weak there! Obviously, I did something WRONG and I'm paying for it!

Its my right shoulder, I'm left handed but I do so much with my right arm/ hand anyway and I can't seem to stop myself. Even reaching for the phone hurts right now! Yikes!

The dixie cup trick is one they did and recommended when I was in PT for my ankle(s). For my ankle, I usually wanted something to wrap all the way around, but I can see for my shoulder where that would be just the right size, especially if I had some help.

But enough about that- good luck at the gym! I hope they've got what you are looking for. Friendly people and decent instructors/ trainers can make all the difference. Its great that you CAN workout at home, but sometimes its a little more motivating at the gym.

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But enough about that- good luck at the gym! I hope they've got what you are looking for. Friendly people and decent instructors/ trainers can make all the difference. Its great that you CAN workout at home, but sometimes its a little more motivating at the gym.

I missed my window of opportunity to get to the gym. :S these business reports I've been printing whilest surfing DZ.com took too long to get through. [:/]

S'alright...I have an hour of workout time I can get in here at the house. I am going to SUCK IT UP and quit being a baby and put in the *HARD* lower body strength training workout that I've been side-stepping for so long!! >:(

Part of this whole 46 days is a commitment to myself to NOT BE LAZY. I am going to face the activities I have to do head-on and quit 'fudging' with the dang rules to health! I am gonna quit lying to myself and be real about building muscle, rather than take my personal 'easy route' and say that cardio will be enough for me. B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I would go with a GNC type store over a grocery store for sure.

I think I sent you a link to my website before (can't post it in the forums it's against rules and I don't wanna get into trouble. :$) That's where I get it for myself and my mother in law as well. There are 2 forms on there; a liquid twist tube that you squeeze into a bottle of water and a gel-capsulated form. We have both taken both and found them to be equally as good with lubricating joints (but the twisty tube things are less expensive!)

I don't know about GNC's line, but if you have to go into a store to get it, I've even found that the natural health food store that I buy a TON of food for my GFCF diet sons at carries some shadier brands that have been proven in the past to not contain what they say on the label...:S

The only ones I know that are guaranteed for sure to have the labelled amount are my own, but outside of that I'd either check with a pharmacy or a Naturopath and ask what brands they'd recommend.

And when it comes to pharmaceutical grade supplements...much of the time, you get what you pay for. If it's $5.99 for a bottle of 100, you just threw away $5.99, typically. [:/]

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Well I've still be great about eating right, but I haven't been working out as much as I should! Hopefully now that things are more settled in the new place I'll get back into it!

I've been the other way around...I've been 'active' every day, but I just had a horrible 4 days with a birthday party, Superbowl party, and Fat Tuesday. :S

I could NOT believe the number on the scale this morning. :(:(:( I expected trouble, but geesh not that much. [:/] It's ok though! All that sugar and salt and fat crammed into such a short period of time will bounce the scale up with water weight as well as actual fat, so it isn't as bad as it looks, I'm telling myself...
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I spent months pretty much just doing cardio. The strength training has made a HUGE difference. I lost weight with the cardio but now I'm building muscle. They say strength training also burns more fat than cardio. I try to do 50/50 now, cardio and weights. But on my own, I slack on my upper body which is why I am wincing every time I reach for something with my right arm today. :$

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I spent months pretty much just doing cardio. The strength training has made a HUGE difference. I lost weight with the cardio but now I'm building muscle. They say strength training also burns more fat than cardio. I try to do 50/50 now, cardio and weights. But on my own, I slack on my upper body which is why I am wincing every time I reach for something with my right arm today. :$

Careful with that arm, missy!! Do you think a dr trip may be in order? [:/]

YIKES! I am outta here. I am GOING to get that work out in.

Cheerio, darlings. I'll see how y'all are doing later. B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Gym Sunday, Tuesday, and this morning, will go again tomorrow, and then will try to squeeze in something this weekend during my 3-day Orlando trip other than USPA board meetings and a day at Z-Hills. The hotel allegedly has a fitness room so hopefully it's something more than a rusty old treadmill and a couple of dumbbells.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Gym Sunday, Tuesday, and this morning, will go again tomorrow, and then will try to squeeze in something this weekend during my 3-day Orlando trip other than USPA board meetings and a day at Z-Hills. The hotel allegedly has a fitness room so hopefully it's something more than a rusty old treadmill and a couple of dumbbells.

Have a great trip! :)
One thing I did in hotels (when the fitness room was a crusty old stationary bike that didn't work) was climb stairs, run/walk the hallway, take next flight of stairs, repeat.

GREAT workout. (I was cautioned though by people on here to not RUN the stairs, which I had been doing. :$:ph34r:)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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When do you ship out again? :)

Shipping out Tuesday. Leave Monday morning for the stay in the hotel, then some brief double-checks of vitals Tuesday morning, finalize my contract, take the Oath of Enlistment, take the bus at around noon.
"If at first you don't succeed... well, so much for skydiving." - aviation cliche

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