
For all you zit lovers out there

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edited to add:
Here's commentary from the zit-squeezing hottie herself!

I know, I know you are all mad because we stopped filming. BUT THE BATTERIES DIED!
So, here are the details:
I went to massage my friend, JD's bad shoulder ( I am a massage therapist), when I saw what he called his "spider egg bump" (someone had joked that a spider had laid eggs in his shoulder). He has had it since he was 15, now 26. Doctors had tried to drain it, thinking it was full of fluid but couldn't. Obviously, everyone thought it was a cyst. I HOWEVER, saw that it had a blackhead about 2 mm in diameter! I was ecstatic! "OMG, JD, that's not a cyst; it's a giant zit!" I yelled. "Can I squeeze it?" He then gave me the go-ahead and that's when it started.
It didn't take much pressure to release the giant blackhead from the top. Immediately the cottage cheese-like substance came squeezing out like it was in a toothpaste bottle. I squeezed it for about 40 minutes and filmed halfway through. It was consistently coming out the way you saw on the video the WHOLE ENTIRE TIME! I went through a whole roll of TP. There was most likely about 1/3 cup (or more) of cheese in it. It was the worst/best smell I have ever smelled it my entire life. You guys know the smell I'm talking about. Oh! and also there was about 20 hairs that came out. It went from about a little bigger than a ping pong ball to quite minimal, however it was swollen from all the squeezing. I am going to go back for another go at it once the bruising is gone down. I did completely empty it but I know there will be more. It really is that kind of zit. I will film it soon and get it back to you guys.
AND I am quite disappointed to be called an amatuer! I go to bed every night with a swollen, red face, because of my compulsive squeezing habits. I squeeze everyone's zits without pain because I know the exact angles, the type of pimple it is (bullet, hurty, sprayer, wormy) and the best way to situate my fingers. I am a pro. And I won't let anyone call me otherwise!
Soooo, be patient everyone, and it was nice to find this community with so many like-minds!
Nuff said...


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What is it with women an zits, every girl friend /wife I've had has had a fasination for zits.
I suffer from small white heads as I have large pores (my zit years finished long ago)
but my wife just loves to clean my pores especially round the nose an ear lobes,
I just wish she'd trim her finger nails.......[:/]

Gone fishing

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I'll see your maggot and raise a boobie

The first maggot was disgusting but interesting from a treatment point of view. After the boobie, I feel woozy...I need the puke icon too.:|

There's a lesson I need to learn.
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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Do you have a zit fetish? :| It seems to be a recurring theme.

No, but I thoroughly enjoy the reaction when I post that stuff here!:D:D


So do I!! :D:D:D

That guy had a serious infection down under the skin there. :o
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I'll see your zit, and raise a maggot

I'll see your maggot and raise a boobie!


He He I got a full house,
Maggots in her chocho
Quote. A young lady went to see her gynocologyst because of a constant itching in her privates over the last couple of days. She'd never had sex with anyone but her current partner, but was suspicious and fearful that perhaps he had "given" her something. After the doctor examines her he tells her that he will have to report this to the police. The doctor explains that she has maggots inside her vagina and the only way that can happen is if she or her partner is having sex with dead people. She looks at the doctor with horror and whispers "My boyfriend works in a morgue!" No video.
Link, clicky

Gone fishing

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