
Airplane pictures "not the shiny ones"

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Hi there,

I work in a company that has lots of very shiny photos of airplanes - all new and in excellent shape - at the wall. Now I am looking for some pictures for my new office. I would like to stay with airplanes, but I want to make it "more realistic", at least from a jumper's point of view. ;) So, who has photos for me of really crappy airplanes? Dashboards with 80% of the instruments marked "inop" or just missing, something like that? Or anything else that would make an impression between all these super equipped cockpits we have in the hallway?

Maybe you could post or send me a small version and I would come back to you later with my email address to send me the full version? Please only photos with a decent size / resolution to be able to make good size pictures out of them.

I look forward to my new office wall decoration! Thanks a lot,
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Interesting idea. What, when a whuffo asks the inevitable question of 'perfectly good airplanes', are you going to reach up and point to these pictures? ;)


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They are (almost) all Whuffos here, it's not a dropzone, it's a company making fancy avionics. I really would love to have some "real" airplane pictures in my room.
So PLEASE IF YOU HAVE PICTURES FOR ME .... please let me know.
It's nice to be important, but it's much more important to be nice.

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Not my photo, but it's my current computer wallpaper. This shot definitely makes an impression. The photographer's contact info is on the linked site - perhaps you can get a print-quality version from him. (Although the airplanes are a little shiny... ;))


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Looks great. I also remember a picture out of a skyvan ramp with several planes lined up behind, must have been during some record, I believe to remember. Unfortunately I can't find that picture anymore, does anybody have a copy of that?
It's nice to be important, but it's much more important to be nice.

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