
First Glider Flight Today

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Got my Private license in a Blanik L-13, then later added the Single-Engine-Land rating. Have a few misadventures that could only have happened in the glider. Learning to fly in formation with a plane to which you are attached can be nerve-racking at times.:D

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Never got my glider licence. But I spent weekends as a kid camping at a grass airstrip where my dad was a glider instructor. And now I spend weekends at a grass airstrip skydiving.

I find it curious how close in performance the bottom end of glider flying is to the top end of skydiving. My small crossbraced canopy flies about 46 mph in full flight, and obviously more in a diving swoop approach. A slow Schweizer 2-33 flown solo has a typical approach speed of 55 mph, starting the flare at 50-45 mph.

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Took 2 flights and got about 20 minutes of stick time per flight. (1/2 the flight)

One time were were over the small town at 2,000ft. I begged the pilot to head back now ! Thought we would never make it back to the airport being that low, but we did. That landing hurt my back for 2 weeks.[:/] Got slammed at 4 feet high.

good times:D
Loops rolls stallsB|

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Do hang-gliders count? B|

Of course!

does a "powered hang glider" (weight shift trike) count? we had five flying this week end, and a black hawk PPG. the PPG lost his spark plug, it backed out at about 200 ft, so one of the trikes rescued the down pilot (all ok). i love getting up high and shutting down and gliding around, and doing dead stick landings all day long!

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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