
Senior Rigger Ticket

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Congrats Ben!
What you have done is joined a community of DeWolf deciples. You are now in rarified air (no pun intended.) As they told you many times in the course, you now have a license to learn. Take that to heart. Really. You have access to all kinds of talented and knowledgable riggers in the DeWolf network.
But make no mistake about it. You now have a toolbelt. Over the next couple of years you will have the opportunity to add tools to that belt. Never pass up the opportunity to obtain knowledge(tools) from those that are around you. Harness good, block out bad.
When you have questions (and you will) and no matter how small they may be, Call someone and ask for help. I do.

Aaron Scott

and although I would not place myself anywhere near the catagory of Dave, Mel, Sandy, Wierd Wayne, Mahoney, etc. you can contact me with any questions you may have and I will help as best I can.
“God Damn Mountain Dew MotherFuckers!”

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I ditto that. Dave's a hell of a teacher, I learned more in a few days than I ever thought possible... most importantly, learned that I have a LOT to learn:)
I'm glad to have Dave right down the street a couple of the instructors nearby, plus two other great master riggers in Chambersburg to learn from.

Even if someone has no interest in actually working as a rigger, just the amazing amount of knowledge gained about rigs in general made it worth every penny.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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