
Caption This!

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This may be vague but, in reference to the black X on his hand and what it means (if you don't know, let me know and I'll explain):

"Which one is the Sharp and which one is the pussy?"
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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The X on his hand likely means he is "Straight Edge" which is a bunch of teenagers who are into looking like punks, dressing like punks, listening to punk-like music and vowing to abstain from sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco and anything else typically associated with punks.

When I was in high school they were calling themselves 'Sharps'.

When I was in high school we weren't very nice to them. We did mean things to them. They cry easily.
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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The X on his hand likely means he is "Straight Edge" which is a bunch of teenagers who are into looking like punks, dressing like punks, listening to punk-like music and vowing to abstain from sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco and anything else typically associated with punks.

When I was in high school they were calling themselves 'Sharps'.

When I was in high school we weren't very nice to them. We did mean things to them. They cry easily.

It was a good idea when it started but turned into this holier than though bullshit and just another form of conformity for people desperate for identity.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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John Travolta reincarnated as a cat for Saturday night fever.

(Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger)



Holy Acid Trip Batman, what did they put in this PILL I just ate?:o


Yep, there IS drugs in these drugs!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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