
Possible stolen rig? Maybe ... maybe not?

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This used rig may not be stolen. But I came across it in a place (vancouver craigslist classifieds website) where skydivers would not normally be looking for used gear and something told me to try and check out it's status. I can't find it on DZ.COM's stolen gear list, but this list can't be all that thorough. So does anyone recognize this gear as stolen gear? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

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It seems reasonably priced.
This past weekend at the DZ, they found a gear bag with a complete javelin, cypress, jumpsuit, helmet, altimeters, etc. all with less than 100 jumps. It had just been sitting there for about 9 years. It belonged to a regular jumper's mother that got into to very briefly, and quit.
It was all in perfect condition, just old.
If I was much, much, much smaller, I could have gotten the rig for about 1K
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It seems reasonably priced.

I think it's a bit over priced (there is no AAD). But the price is not the real question here. There is a lot of property crime here in my new adopted city and I'm just trying to make sure that the seller is on the level. I haven't been able to find any evidence that it is a stolen rig, so the seller my be legit. But I'm just trying to help my fellow skydivers here.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Criticize me if you want. But go back and read the ad. The spelling and grammar is of a primary school level and in a city with tons of crack-heads commiting property crime to fuel their habits on a website NOT frequented by skydivers just sent out the red flags. I have been corresponding with the selling as of this morning and it's looking more and more like it's NOT stolen. But I just thought I'd bring it to the attention of more people here since someone may have recognized it.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I just thought I'd bring it to the attention of more people here since someone may have recognized it.

Can only be a good thing :)
If someone had of said, 'yeah that was mine! I had it nicked last month when my house was burgled' we would all be carrying you down the road on our shoulders. Thankfully (and partly regrettably for you) that isnt the case.

Cheers for the heads up though. Maybe well catch out some thieveing bastard next time

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Criticize me if you want. But go back and read the ad.

Right. They know what kind of main it has, they state jumps on it, and that it has been in storage for years. Looking at it, it appears to be in good condition, but def. an older container. So the person can't spell. Not everyone has the same grasp on the language.

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No mention of harness size, reserve size or model, dates etc. gets my vote for real close scrutiny. Best to contact seller for much more info including serial nos. If it's a ripoff it isn't likely the seller will be very forthcoming.
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