
So I'm going to try plan B.

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Plan A was to find a job in Florida and move there. After about a month of job hunting and putting in literally 30 applications, I heard back from 2 of the jobs and 1 said no immediately once they learned I didn't already live there. (Which if they would have read the e-mail I sent with my resume they would've known that. :S)

I think that living so far away is causing issues. Plus, the job market in Florida isn't the greatest.

So, now I'm onto plan B. Moving to Atlanta temporarily. My parents, along with my other brother and his family live in the suburbs of Atlanta. Both have offered for me to move in with them. The thought is that the job market in Atlanta will be much more plentiful. Live there until I get back on my feet financially then start looking in Florida again.

So, any Atlanta folks know of a place that's hiring? I'm not being picky right now. I'll work at McDonald's if I have to. :D

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You know the hospital I work for built a brand new hospital and is hiring like mad. They open the doors in June. Over a hundred new doctors will be coming aboard between now and then.
There are tons of jobs it is just you have to not get frustrated. If you want to come this way in the long run just make the move now. You said you need to get back on your feet and think Atanta is the next choice. How can you get back on your feet and then a few months or so move? You will be in the same situation just in another town.
When I moved from the West Coast here I didn't have a job. I started applying for jobs online 3months prior and being told to apply when I moved. Half way thru my move I was called in for 2 interviews. Not even a month later I was working. You have to figure a month turn around for a new job in the medical field between the interview, orientation and your start date.
Do what you feel is right and if that is Atlanta then move there. I hope it all works out for you.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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