
what should I get

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I am new to the sport and would like to know what harness and parachute should I buy. I do have some money so "new" would probably be where I would end up. There are though a few questions that I would like to know answers to:
1)7 or 9 cell, So far all I flew was 9, but I did have a reserve ride and I believe that was a seven and that flew and landed quiet nicely.
2) What container, from what I gather on the reviews all of them are more or less good. Is it Icon, Mirage, Infinity, Vector or etc. What should I get.
3) What make of parachute. PD or aerodyne or etc
4) Where should I get all this gear for the lowest price
5)And finally what are the chances of resale once I begin to downsize.

About me I weigh about 185 without gear and hence would probaly end up getting a 190 or a 170 depending on how much experince I will have by the time it comes to ordering time. And as of yet I have 17 jumps though that number goes up quickly.

Thank you
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7 or 9 cell, So far all I flew was 9, but I did have a reserve ride and I believe that was a seven and that flew and landed quiet nicely.

It is too early in your jump career to make this decision. It is a good time to learn the characteristics of each. Performance Designs has excellent information available on their website. You can also search these forums. I recommend asking a rigger or two, though, whenever you want information about gear. Your instructor will likely have better insight into what is an appropriate choice for you.


What container, from what I gather on the reviews all of them are more or less good. Is it Icon, Mirage, Infinity, Vector or etc. What should I get.

It depends on what matters to you. Some rigs are known for their comfort, such as Jump Shack's Racer. Others are known for their excellent value, such as the Icon or Wings. The Infinity may well be unmatched for attention to detail, especially cosmetically. The Vector is the only skydiving rig available with the Skyhook RSL. The Javelin is quite popular for good reason.

As a general rule, you cannot buy a (brand new) bad container. Most any custom harness is going to be pretty comfortable. They are almost all very secure in any body orientation during freefall. In other words, it's like trying to decide between a Toyota and a Nissan or a Ford and a Chevrolet. It is a matter of personal preference, and not safety or reliability. You will find that most people like what they have, which seems to indicate a difficulty in making a bad choice.


What make of parachute. PD or aerodyne or etc

Both manufacture fine canopies, as does Icarus Canopies. Talk to your instructors and riggers. Take advantage of demo programs and try a few canopies that yor instructors feel are appropriate for yourcurrent skill level, when the time comes.


Where should I get all this gear for the lowest price?[\reply]

Used canopies can often be a good choice. Often it is best to buy a new container in order to find one that fits comfortably and properly. For anything used, the classifieds here at DZ.com are an excellent place to find a good deal.

And finally what are the chances of resale once I begin to downsize.

Large canopies maintain a better resale value than tiny ones. Almost all new skydivers starrt with a fairly big canopy, and that is not likely to change when sell your gear, so the demand will likely be there.

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Have you thought about getting a new container and reserve but a used main? That way you aren't blowing a crapload of money on a new main that you will end up selling in a couple hundred jumps as you learn more about your canopy?

I didn't believe my rigger and instructors that buying my used Sabre would last me about 100ish jumps and I'd want to buy something else/possibly downsize. But now, at 130 jumps, I just bought a new Spectre (after taking advantage of demoing a few other canopies)... after learning more about jumping and having a better idea of my long term goals, the Spectre made sense for me, plus I downsized (from a hair under a 1:1 ratio to just a shade above 1:1, so not a huge change, especially given my 20 lb weight loss since buying the original canopy).

Talk with your instructors. At 20 jumps I thought I had a clue about what I wanted from a canopy. I was wrong, I didn't have a clue at all. Probably in another few hundred jumps I'll look back and say I didn't have a clue at 130 jumps either :P


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Container: Infinity
Main: Sabre 2 190
Reserve: PD 193 <== changed it to 193
AAD: Cypres 2


Just add about 20 Square feet to the main and call it a day.

Isnt a reserve bigger than the main a better recommendation for these jump no's?
In fact isnt it always for anyone who doesnt jump and land F111 canopies regularly?.....or did that conciousness stream just fly past me....

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When you are trying to decide what size to get, Brian Germains wing loading chart is a great reference. He would recommend puttin you on a wing loading of less than 1:1, so as long as the size of your canopy is equal to or greater than your exit weight you're golden.

On canopies I fly a Pilot by Aerodyne and love it, but talk to your instructor he knows how you fly better than anyone on this site. Good Luck;)
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