
Newbie rigs

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Hi guys...I've just done my AFF and want to buy some gear. I've done a search through previous posts and it would seem the consensus is for newbies to buy used gear.

In my case, I live in a country that has no DZ, so it will be quite some time before I will need to or think about down sizing. I travel heaps for work and plan to get in the odd jump then.

Would it make sense for me to buy a new rig if I am not likely to want to replace it for a few years?

Also, is it difficult to travel internationally with a rig? I've done a search on this too and it seems the go is to take it on the aircraft in the US. Any tips with traveling internationally would be great.

Sorry for the epic post. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Your first rig should be a used rig. Just take the time to look for one. I did all my homework and got mine off eBay - and the rig is in fine shape. A rigger checked it out and all I am waiting for is to earn my A license to jump it.
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
Cessna P206 N2537X, 19 April 2008
Blue Skies Forever

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Your first rig should be a used rig


'cause it's cheaper (saves you money for jumps)
'cause you will probably downsize soon anyway
'cause you'd hate to get grassstains all over your shiny new $$$$ rig

Unless you really can't find any rigs that fit you and your canopies, or you have way too much money to spare :P

ciel bleu,

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Your first rig should be a used rig.

Not neccessarily. A used rig may have been the perfect choice for you but could be the wrong choice for someone else. It ain't always easy to find the size and type of canopies you need in a harness/container that fits your body used.

It comes down to how big your budget is, how average your body size/shape is, what's available on both the new (ie stock) and used markets at the time you are shopping and how long you're willing to wait for your gear.

Skydiving isn't a one size fits all sport. Try to avoid making blanket statements regarding it; there will always be someone who doesn't fit under the blanket.

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A couple of things to keep in mind:

Many people that travel with their rigs carry them on instead of checking them through. If you check your equipment through, you just don't know what inspections may have been done on your reserve, whereas if you carry the rig on, at least you will be present whenever they need to inspect your rig.

I don't know what size canopy you are expecting to jump, but a newbie container is typically bigger and bulkier than the rigs people have after having progressed through some downsizing. I could see some occasional problems if I tried to constantly travel with my Wings container with my 190 main and 210 reserve, if I carried it on all the time.

It might make sense to consider renting for a while longer.

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Hmmmmm. I'm thinking if you're going to be using it "for a few years", the extra price of buying a new rig might be okay, since it will fit you better than what you'll likely find used. If I were in your shoes, I'd wait until I had enough jumps to downsize to something reasonable, then buy the container to fit that size canopy max. while having the option to fit the next-smaller canopy (say 190-170 for example, not knowing your weight).
You could pull that off okay, I did.

On the other hand, if you buy a rig now that holds a 230 main and end up wanting to downsize to a 150 in a year, you're going to be out a lot of cash you could have saved by going used/new.

Your timing of the purchase is important, if you get what I mean.

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It is all in the wording, right?

It is a good idea to get a used rig for your first one, but if it is next to impossible, than new may be the way to go. Just about everyone I talked to recommended buying a used rig over a new one. I would have an Areodyne Icon container, Triathalon 190 main and reserve, SS hardware, and a Vigi right now instead of the used rig I have now. Turns out that I also have an extra 3k left over too......
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
Cessna P206 N2537X, 19 April 2008
Blue Skies Forever

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