
Anyone know anything about surfing?

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Hi sky,
For intro surfing, "Don't spend a lot of money!!" Like fool said, a long board is good, at least 9'6'' for starters. A wet suit top should be all he needs, especially in FLA!! I lived and surfed in San Diego back in the 70's when I got outa' the Navy and there the water was "COLD!!!" only saw the temp above 69*F water temp for 2 daze in late august each year!! in FLA ya got bath water warm and you shouldn't need a full suit. Learning how to ride a stand up surf board ain't the same as learning to skydive!!!! Your CG (center of gravity) is quite a ways above the board so keeping your balance is a lot of fun!! That's why knee boards are easier and belly boards are the easiest!! One thing I can say is surfing is a great workout!! Phisical, cardio the works!! Beats the gym!! BTW hit some yard sales and classified ads for deals, you don't need t pay top $$ for a good used board. Had an old Gordon and Smith 10'6" long board I literally "Gave away" to Bobby Smith for a six-pak of Dos Equis Dark Beer. He got "The Deal!!!"
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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I just bought this board for $425, I think it was a good deal. The guy thought I was getting a steal anyway since it's in excellent condition and retails for at least $900, or so he says. :P

It's a 9'6" Haut Longboard ...Surftech, not foam core. It's really in excellent condition, only one scratch on the side. Gia, what does your boss think?

Strangly enough, the guy was one grade behind my husband in high school. He said he'd be glad to meet Nick at the beach and give him a lesson. It's going to be hard for me to wait until June to give it to Nick, I'm so excited!

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I got in on this thread too late it seems ... I would not have recommended a longboard (he IS a teenager!!). Yes, they're great for the VERY beginning of your learning curve, but after that, a youngster is going to want a short board for the ability to do more radical turns, etc. that you just can't do on a big cruiser. That will bring him to another aspect of the sport - selling/buying boards, which happens similarly to people wanting to change canopies. At this point in the year, I wouldn't worry about a wetsuit. If he is still into it late in the fall, then check into finding one suitable for Florida. And yes, Sex wax is still good stuff. Just in case any old surfers are reading, I was digging around in boxes recently and found a couple of old purple square cakes ... Surf Research wax!!! Oh, which brings one other thing to mind - forget that banana hammock - no place to put your wax!!! Get him some decent board shorts. Obviously (see avatar!), I'm a bit partial to tried and true Birdwells. They still make the "old" style that old farts like me still like, but also make stuff suitably fashionable for kids these days.
As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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I got in on this thread too late it seems ... I would not have recommended a longboard (he IS a teenager!!). Yes, they're great for the VERY beginning of your learning curve, but after that, a youngster is going to want a short board for the ability to do more radical turns, etc. that you just can't do on a big cruiser. That will bring him to another aspect of the sport - selling/buying boards, which happens similarly to people wanting to change canopies. At this point in the year, I wouldn't worry about a wetsuit. If he is still into it late in the fall, then check into finding one suitable for Florida. And yes, Sex wax is still good stuff. Just in case any old surfers are reading, I was digging around in boxes recently and found a couple of old purple square cakes ... Surf Research wax!!! Oh, which brings one other thing to mind - forget that banana hammock - no place to put your wax!!! Get him some decent board shorts. Obviously (see avatar!), I'm a bit partial to tried and true Birdwells. They still make the "old" style that old farts like me still like, but also make stuff suitably fashionable for kids these days.

Always be kinder than you feel.

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Nick doesn't wear a banana hammock (Normiss!). :ph34r: He has a drawer full of board shorts already. Think he'll need a rash guard?

My dad was jokingly asking me if I want him to buy some shark repellant, and he found this Batman and Robin video. Watch it till the end, it's hilariously campy! :D:D

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Nick doesn't wear a banana hammock (Normiss!). :ph34r: He has a drawer full of board shorts already. Think he'll need a rash guard?

My dad was jokingly asking me if I want him to buy some shark repellant, and he found this Batman and Robin video. Watch it till the end, it's hilariously campy! :D:D


I like how they were all labeled.
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Nah ... a little bit of wax burn won't hurt long. The body gets used to being abraded in those spots pretty quickly, and it doesn't happen much after that. Also, the wax these days isn't nearly as hard on flesh as the stuff in use when I started out. I don't surf nearly as much as "back in the day", and I don't get it when I do get out there. It's kinda like going barefoot in the spring. You have to rebuild your callouses ... LOL!
As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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