
Breaking Bad

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I definitely know what you mean, and I really like the plot, it twists and turns like riding a horse at night on a winding trail in the dark- The horse can see but you can't.....Shit just jumps out at you with no warning!! and the foreshadowing is such a teaser sometimes. Last night with the two father figures talking in that bar and not knowing that they are connected by their self destructive "kids" one of whom will live and the other die by the end of the night & either of the "dads" could have controlled the outcome but Mr White ended up on the scene, made some quick calculations for his own good and decided the two kids fate..WHOAH now thats some heavy dark writing- Shakespeare....on meth!

I agree that Jesse is the most benevolent of the bad guys. Mr White (what a perfect name) is the most egregiously self serving survivalist I guess for his family's sake- and the most bad ass people in the world just die in his wake in the battle of brains over brawn- but will his luck run out?
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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I definitely know what you mean, and I really like the plot, it twists and turns like riding a horse at night on a winding trail in the dark- The horse can see but you can't.....Shit just jumps out at you with no warning!! and the foreshadowing is such a teaser sometimes. Last night with the two father figures talking in that bar and not knowing that they are connected by their self destructive "kids" one of whom will live and the other die by the end of the night & either of the "dads" could have controlled the outcome but Mr White ended up on the scene, made some quick calculations for his own good and decided the two kids fate..WHOAH now thats some heavy dark writing- Shakespeare....on meth!

I agree that Jesse is the most benevolent of the bad guys. Mr White (what a perfect name) is the most egregiously self serving survivalist I guess for his family's sake- and the most bad ass people in the world just die in his wake in the battle of brains over brawn- but will his luck run out?

I have been following the show since the beginning and really enjoy it. The episodes have twists and turns but you held a kernel of hope or concern for Hal and Jessie as nice'ish guys out of their element out of circumstances. After the last episode, which I just watched, there seems to have been a dramatic swinging of the pendulum.. Jessie is still looking like he is a small time guy caught in the Big Time. I still find him as probably the nicest person in the show with some pretty good acting bringing out that nice guy in way over his head. The actor is good at showing glimpses of the characters emotions, really well acted IMHO. Hal has turned a corner in this episode and you saw much of his desire to be recognized for his hard work, which had been building over the shows come more blatantly out there to the viewer. You thought or had the impression that he was coming back more to the character that was predominant in the beginning but BBAAAMMMMMMNNN, how it switched in the end..

I am curious how they are going to resolve this. The show right now has a good edge and has done a good job of keeping it true to how it started through this point in the second season so congrats on the entire production. That said, not sure how much they will have to sacrifice to keep the show running.. I hope it continues to burn really bright and then goes away.. I just don't see how you can keep it going at the same level of intensity and character development for much longer. The story line is ramping up and it just can't continure with out some major charachter changes..

Cool show and looking forward to the next few episodes..

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Sup man?

WTH happened last night? the foreshadowing of the pool scene ended up being what? Apology girl's dad ironically haphazardly returning the favor for killing his daughter? Mr Whites wife was on that plane right? That was a wicked curve ball eh?

You seem to have a better understanding of the writing then I do.

That guys character is like meth- everything he touches gets destroyed.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Here's my take:


the foreshadowing of the pool scene ended up being what?

Well, you saw a little doll (innocence) going down - at the end at sank headfirst.


Apology girl's dad ironically haphazardly returning the favor for killing his daughter?

A couple of thoughts ran through my mind. One is that Walt will realize that his actions (or inaction) somewhat directly resulted in the death of all of those people. Or, Hank's and Marie's house took a direct hit.


Mr Whites wife was on that plane right?

I don't think so. I could see Gus being in one of the planes. It was noted that traffic was a "King Air." But, for Gus to have been killed is not likely since an opening existed in the future of him seeing Walter as Hank's brother in law - which will be cool.

I guess the big issue with me is the huge amount of heart Walt showed Jesse and the genuine closeness they shared when Walt pulled him from the meth den. Their relationship. Walt really does care about Jesse.

Plenty of fodder for next season.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I don't know how these writers do it sometimes, I mean how many chess moves do you have to plan ahead to get the story to turn out the way you want- I think some of them throw in a lot of dead end curves then from that cherry pick and choose which direction to take the story as they go. Or do they reverse engineer the plot?
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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It dawned on me that you are right about the toy being a metaphor and not a clue.....I think that thing represents Jesse and Apology girls dad is now going to be a supporting character gunning for Jesse. The eye going into the drain is significant...an eye for an eye. Even though they don't know they're connected I bet Walt and Apology girls dad are going to have a clash. I know we are rooting for Walt but he has to get taken down- he's a meth dealer....will it be the air controller or Hank who gets him, shit- maybe his own wife or son has to shank him. YUK!
We still don't know who were in those body bags when the NTSB forensic team was on the scene.

what a F*&ing show!!!
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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