
Sabre190 reline

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Extra break lines? I'm not sure what you mean, but I'll take a guess and assume that you are referring to the second brake line. That line isn't "extra" by any means, it is included in the design of the canopy and comes from the factory that way.
drop zone (drop'zone) n. An incestuous sesspool of broken people. -- Attributed to a whuffo girlfriend.

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They can dissappear if you get yourself a sabre 170 but thats about it.

I believe they were put in place to try to slow down and control the openings a bit. (from release, I believe, not an afterthought.)

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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it's more to help with turning the canopy....gives extra pull to the rear making the larger canopies turn faster than if they just had the single brake lines. and no amount of brake lines is going to make a sabre 1 open better...

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Well you could leave that inner brake line attached to the others and set them all and it would turn the same.

But by not having them attached you are pulling down less of the tail on opening and causing more air to have to fill the wing before it is open.

And I dont know if I should have implied better or acceptable.

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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The second (inner) lines are left in full glide and not set when packing. Due to that fact, I don't see how they would affect the opening?

I figured that they were there to deflect a larger amount of tail, like a 5th cascade, but were made seperate for some reason related to openings.
drop zone (drop'zone) n. An incestuous sesspool of broken people. -- Attributed to a whuffo girlfriend.

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Well they would definetly effect the opening if they were also pulled down and set with the others.

Also note the fact that this is not the case on the sabre2 190 (ar any sabre2 for that matter) So I dont know if it was turning ability they were going for.

I understand it is done for tandems. Openings need to be slow on tandems but you need to deflect a decent amount of the tail to get truns and flare, one solution is split brake line configuration.

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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The brake line configuration on Sabre190s(and bigger models) was changed to the current double brake line system to fix opening problems.(Poynter's vol2) I don't have the manual handy but I _think_ it was to prevent hard openings. A new line set for a Sabre190 will include the double brake lines.

The double brake line configuration on a tandem canopy is meant to make steering the canopy less tiring; the TI steers the canopy with one set of toggles and picks up the other set only for landing. The double brakes have no effect on openings since both brake lines are set. This assuming that you set the brakes at all! On RWS EZ and Sigma mains both brakelines are set. Likewise on Strong T520. On Icarus and Precision tandem canopies NO brakes are set. Other tandem canopies may have a system similar to the big Sabres but I don't know of any.

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The double brakes have no effect on openings since both brake lines are set. This assuming that you set the brakes at all! On RWS EZ and Sigma mains both brake lines are set. Likewise on Strong T520. On Icarus and Precision tandem canopies NO brakes are set. Other tandem canopies may have a system similar to the big Sabres but I don't know of any.


Brake lines on SET 400 are similar to large Sabre Mark1. Only the outer brake lines are "set" for opening. All the slack in the inner brake lines is pulled up to the tail and stowed in rubber bands. The rubber bands prevent excess steering lines form wandering about and burning the tail of the canopy.

Yes, Strong 520 canopies had similar brake lines and a total of 4 steering toggles, but TIs at Hemet, California could not count that high, so we just tied all 4 brake lines to 2 toggles. Only 2 toggles allowed us to keep our "eyes outside the cockpit" as we turned onto final approach.

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changed to the current double brake line system

To the double from what? 5 cascades to a single line? or 4 cascades placed further apart?

I don't have my Poytner handy either. I'll check it when I get home.
drop zone (drop'zone) n. An incestuous sesspool of broken people. -- Attributed to a whuffo girlfriend.

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To the double from what? 5 cascades to a single line? or 4 cascades placed further apart?

I don't know. It was changed, IIRC, about a year after the introduction of the Sabre, so there wouldn't have that many canopies of the original design around; I've never seen one.

I have seen, just recently, a 1993 model Sabre190 with 6 brake line attachment points, and a single brake line with 4 cascades attaching to points number(counting from outboard) 1,2,3 and 5. Does anyone know what the deal with that would have been? Old lineset installed on a new canopy?

Was there a service bulletin to mandate/recommend modifying the existing canopies to the double brake line system?

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Brake lines on SET 400 are similar to large Sabre Mark1. Only the outer brake lines are "set" for opening. All the slack in the inner brake lines is pulled up to the tail and stowed in rubber bands

I have packed SET400s for a few times, but just couldn't remember how they work. I do remember the rubber band trick though. The DHT manual doesn't mention dual brake lines, are there different models around? The illustration in the manual(attached) looks like the brake line splits in two at the locking loop??

edit to add: The manual does mention not setting the inner brake lines at a later stage.

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To the double from what? 5 cascades to a single line? or 4 cascades placed further apart?

I don't know. It was changed, IIRC, about a year after the introduction of the Sabre, so there wouldn't have that many canopies of the original design around; I've never seen one.

I'll bet it was just like the smaller ones. 4 brake lines to one cascade and they made one continuous for the openings.

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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