
Funny Quotes

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Here's one just for Prof Kallend;)


[Blackadder thinks Nurse Mary is a German spy]
Captain Blackadder: And then the final, irrefutable proof. Remember, you mentioned a clever boyfriend...
Nurse Mary: Yes.
Captain Blackadder: I then leapt on the opportunity to test you. I asked if he'd been to one of the great universities, Oxford, Cambridge, or Hull.
Nurse Mary: Well?
Captain Blackadder: You failed to spot that only two of those are great Universities.
Nurse Mary: Swine!
General Melchett: That's right! Oxford's a complete dump!

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Here's one just for Prof Kallend;)


[Blackadder thinks Nurse Mary is a German spy]
Captain Blackadder: And then the final, irrefutable proof. Remember, you mentioned a clever boyfriend...
Nurse Mary: Yes.
Captain Blackadder: I then leapt on the opportunity to test you. I asked if he'd been to one of the great universities, Oxford, Cambridge, or Hull.
Nurse Mary: Well?
Captain Blackadder: You failed to spot that only two of those are great Universities.
Nurse Mary: Swine!
General Melchett: That's right! Oxford's a complete dump!

Gene Wilder:

"PUT - THE CANDLE - - - - - BACK!"
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Homer: Are you really the Dalai Lama?
DL: Yes
Homer: Really?
DL: Yes
Homer: Really?
DL: Yes. Ok your three questions are up
Homer: Doh!

Oh franciiiiiiiiiiine! I can see your schmootspletzen! (Klaus the fish from American Dad)

edited to add:

Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what i'm pondering?
Pinky: Uh, i fink so Brain, but, uh, me and Pippy Longstockings? What would the children look like?

Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what i'm pondering?
Pinky: Uh, i fink so Brain, but if the plural of mouse is mice, shouldn't the plural of spouse be, spice?

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Made me laugh.

"You'd have to check her pulse to notice those perfect breasts of hers aren't moving like they would if she was breathing "

"Lucille's my parole officer. She's a dyke, but God knows why. With that body of her's, she could have any man she wants"

"They just keep knocking the crap out of me and waving a confession in my face and I keep spitting blood all over it and laughing at how many fresh copies they come up with"

"It's one thing for you to play hard to get but don't go trying to cut my nuts off."

"Hi, I'm Shellie's new boyfriend and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman"

"If you got the cash and play by the rules, they'll make all your dreams come true but if you cross them, you're a corpse."

"He's dead, he's just too dumb to know it"

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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You are a quote cheater!!.

Only lines posted on dz.com can be used as quotes.....:P

Well, you shoulda sent me cookies for my silence.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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