
Surely you can't be serious... RIP Leslie Nielsen

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"I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue." :D:D

Okay, yeah, I've used that one quite a few times when working a busy sector. :)

Hopefully, not when your mic was open.:S
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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"I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue." :D:D

Okay, yeah, I've used that one quite a few times when working a busy sector. :)

Hopefully, not when your mic was open.:S

:D:D Well, at least it gets the pilots' attention and makes them listen up. ;)

I have had and heard some pretty damn funny stuff go out over a hot mike.

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I'll never forget the time I was sitting in a KingAir next to a certain TI known as "Billy", when he suddenly asked his passenger (an 18yo named Jimmy):

"Jimmy, do you like movies about gladiators?

Oh, no, I thought; He wouldn't...Oh yes he would; He went through the whole routine.:S:D:D
I think the kid was too young to have seen the movie, and didn't know WTF to think of the odd questions.:ph34r:

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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One evening at work, we had some Cub Scouts come in for a tour. A couple of them sidled over to take a look at one of the radar scopes being worked by one of our senior controllers. Joe, a former Marine Vietnam vet, clean cut, mature, and very respectable looking, turns to the kids and says "So, do you like movies about Hercules?"

I almost choked not trying to laugh out loud.:D

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