
My Road To Spartan

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Six weeks ago, the people who created the Spartan Race asked me to start writing a blog for them about my road to becoming a Spartan. Well, it seems that lately they have been over run with submissions. So, I have started my own blog. I already have 6 blogs that I had written up for them. For now I'll just post one every day or so till I get caught up to now. Hope you enjoy.


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Haven't read your blog (honestly, have no intention of it.) But, the spartan race in Colorado was a BLAST!!! It was my first "official" organized run.

Got me hooked. Did a bunch since and more in the future.
The tough-mudder was the most fun I've had "exercising" in a long time. Vegas (1/2?) marathon will be the longest official I'll do this calendar year.
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Kick ass Cyndi! :) Really proud of the work you're putting into this. you're always 110% into whatever project you start, and this is one of your best by far.
Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely.

DPH# "-13"
TSK# "-13"

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I have read your blog, very cool B| good on you! Dig deep, and keep going! (have pm'd you)

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Learn from my mistake:

I was running 10K pretty solidly prior to my running of the Tough Mudder in my area, a 20K race. I told myself that we'd me walking a lot of it, and waiting a lot in line for the obstacles, so the extra distance woudl be manageable. Well...

What I failed to realize is that 20K is 20K. It was twice the distance that I was used to and ended up with injuring my left foot, most likely a stress fracture. I'm still working my way back from it six months later.

I'm not saying this to discourage you, by any means. Go for it! Just make sure your body (and I mean all of it) can handle the distance to which you are committing yourself.


Elvisio "da gimp, but not the DZ.com dagimp" Rodriguez

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Been there, done that.

We were doing ruck marches every week or so for PT in the morning. We started off small, ~10 k with ~35lbs or so... Then we moved up about 2 times a month, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25k.

Then the boss decided he wanted to do a 40k but made it voluntary, I got thru the first 20 with no problems, got some water and started the trek back (20 out, 20 back, navigating the woods)... I'd say about half way back my knee locked up on me. Never had that issue before that day, it just decided to say "fuck it". At least I didn't catch too much crap for it because less than half the guys even attempted it.

Fast forward a ~year and we got a new battalion commander that was by all counts bat shit crazy, but a hell of a leader. He decided we should do a long ruck.

I completed the 81k (that's 50 fucking miles) in just about 16 hours. Only issue besides a lot of water weight gone, my feet were fucked up for a couple weeks from blisters and whatnot.

Sometimes the body just says "fuck it".
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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Thanks for the advice. That's one of the reasons I'm starting to train for it now. With my asthma and countless other body/health issues it takes me longer than most to get my endurance up. I just need to remind myself that this entire process is a marathon not a sprint. (Pun absolutely intended.)

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