
Food Combinations

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What are some foods that you once thought would be horrible together until you tired them. Mine would be the dill pickle and peanut butter sandwich. mmmmmm
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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Pickle Pinwheels. Dill pickles ham and cream cheese.

May not sound too weird, now, but I've been making them for over 30 years, and I can't tell you how many times I told the host of the party that this was my contribution and gotten a look that said "what freakin' planet are you from? No one will touch those."

I've never had to take any back home with me, yet! :)

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I did eat grubs one time during a survival course but I can't say I enjoyed them but the were not nearly as bad as I thought they would be.

Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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I did eat grubs one time during a survival course but I can't say I enjoyed them but the were not nearly as bad as I thought they would be.


The subject is combos, so the burning question is: What did you eat them with? :o
WSCR 594
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Drinking beer while eating chocolate cake......seems to work

My two favorite foods. B|

Had those two together just the other day.

I like cherry pie with a la mode , . . with chocolate ice cream. I ordered that in a restaurant one time and the waitress came back and said "You just grossed out the kitchen."

I said "Ask 'em if they've ever had a chocolate covered cherry."

She came back later and said "They said that makes sense.":)

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Sardines, avocado and red wine vinegar is reasonably good. Or at least, not thoroughly disgusting.

Yogurt, cayenne pepper, cucumber and dried crumbled mint leaves is pretty good too. Good as a corn chip dip.
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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You might like very cold Horin Geikkan Sake. I've never been a huge fan of vodka, but this stuff is pretty nice. The colder the better. It tastes more like a dry white wine than sake. Cheap sake tastes like it was strained through a sock, so most people try it once and give up on it.

Generally I kind of prefer my alcohol to taste like something. I kind of like gin and tequila. I tried absinthe for a while but can't drink it straight. It's like taking a bullet made of licorice to the head. Unpleasant. Still, you know what they say, absinthe makes the heart grow fonder...
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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Drinking beer while eating chocolate cake......seems to work

The 8th or 9th beer goes with anything.;)
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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