
Just a thought for Europeans

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I had a thought for the Europeans wanting to buy a Icarus canopy
As you know or may not know Icarus canopys are built in Barcelona (Granollers) Spain (USA and New Zealand)
So if you order a canopy from say a seller in the States an pay by bank transfere an ask for the canopy to be built in
Europe an when it's built to be sent to your home or DZ within the EEC.. Ha Ha no taxes

Just a thought, I'm shure someone will figure out why it can't be done.

Gone fishing

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Worse than that, the deal that Icarus have in the US is that they are not allowed to sell outside the US (although they may allow Canada, not sure). This is to protect the European Icarus dealers. This includes shipping the canopies out of the US.

Your only (legal) option would be to buy in the US and keep receipts. On leaving the US you declare it to claim back the tax and then pay the EU import duty on arrival in Europe. If you are wondering, the US will tell their European counterparts to expect you if you try it (so you can't claim the US tax back and not pay the EU tax) and the EU tax is higher than the US tax.

Blue skies


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