
Safire2 or Sabre2?

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Im currently jumping a Sabre2, 170 (wl 1.0). And im going to downsize as i am buying a new container and canopy.

Should i stick to Sabre2 or buy a Safire2?

I kind of like my Sabre2 but the openings are really crap. I always get off heading openings (have had 2 on heading openings out of 150 jumps).
I really like flying it though, but compared to other canopies its kind of ground hungry. Afraid i wont get back to the dz from those longspots.

Is the Safire2 less ground hungry? Anyone who know´s if the glide is better on Safire2?

Is there a big difference between 150 and 139?

Off all things to believe in - why not yourself

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1) why not a 149? Or a 150 for that matter, they make them whatever size you want.

2) seach for: sabre safire - there's loads and loads of threads on these two canopies and comparisons between them.

3) add in the Pilot from Arodyne to your deliberations - it's the equal of either and depending on who you talk to, better. (Additionally I think it has the best glide of the three if I remember rightly).

4) from my exp of flying both canopies they're very similar except that the safire has better opeinings and the power band is slightly further into the flare.

5) I'm surprised you think the sabre 2 sinks - many people shout about how good it's glide is in 1/2-3/4 breaks.

6) demo demo demo - both manufactureres offer great demo programs. You could have both canopies for a weekend each for a few bucks.

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Also try Precision's Fusion. I've had a lot of people who had been jumping the Sabre2 and tried it. (I've got a 120 & 170) They really liked it.

As the last poster said DEMO DEMO DEMO!!
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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I demoed both the Safire2 and the Sabre2. The Sabre2 flew great, but those openings were consistently uber-crappy (wildly offheading, angle, direction and dive steepness totally unpredictable), and with a kilo of camera on your head that distinctly sucks. I now fly the Safire2, and I love it.

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