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Hey there been lurking on here for a while figure I might as well join and contribute....

Just went down to STF and got my A ticket punched.... and did an extra 14 jumps for good measure :) Thanks to everyone down there!!! Made the trip worth every last cent. So sad I had to leave. The St. Patty's day boogie was amazing as well.

Went to OSC and did a few jumps to include my first mal/bi-plane on #42... not so fun but learned from it and walked away...

have a few video's to share as well.



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OK, Matt.
Glad you had a good time here...your performance was great and we were happy to have you here. You are more than welcome to visit us here any time you like.

Now....what's up with the two out?
What happened?

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Did a hop-n-pop from just above 3K due to visibility on a sabre one (the third that day). had a nice stable exit watching the plane go for a three count then pitched. when i felt pressure on the risers i looked up and saw the canopy sniveling for a split second before it slammed open HARD at about 2.6K. had about 4 line twist. kicked out fairly quickly and was under a good canopy and collapsed the slider at about 2.3K. i was doing some tight turns to about 1900ft. at 1500 feet i was in a slow turn to get in the pattern heard a beep then a thud (the cypress firing) followed by a pulse to my back (reserve iniating). looked over my shoulder and saw a pilot chute as the reserve hit line stretch. thought about chopping for a split second but i was worried about it becoming entangled in the inflating reserve. when the reserve inflated it went straight to a bi-plane. The field at OSC is huge so i wasn't to concerned about hitting anything but the runway. it felt stable and the reserve was staying right behind the main until about 100 ft when i got into some turbulence but steering the reserve with the risers kept it behind the main. i landed about 20 yards short of the runway as the plane landed with a gentle PLF.... took a second to think about what had all happened and then hopped back in the plane for the taxi back to the DZ. I would have gone for another just to get back on the horse if you will but the ceilings were coming down.

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....steering the reserve with the risers kept it behind the main.

Where did you get this idea? That is not what you were taught for a biplane.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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very true:S. but at only 100ft i just wanted it to stay put behind the main and not turn into a down-plane. not so much steering as just very small adjustments. and not to even attempt to sound like a know it all the "EP" sheet you gave me says "fly gently" for a bi-plane. and after i landed i read the sim again to compare and had to slap myself when i read and remembered i should have been gently steering the front canopy. in any case i'm glad to have walked away and been able to learn from something like this.

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very true:S. but at only 100ft i just wanted it to stay put behind the main and not turn into a down-plane. not so much steering as just very small adjustments. and not to even attempt to sound like a know it all the "EP" sheet you gave me says "fly gently" for a bi-plane. and after i landed i read the sim again to compare and had to slap myself when i read and remembered i should have been gently steering the front canopy. in any case i'm glad to have walked away and been able to learn from something like this.

"....after i landed i read the sim again to compare and had to slap myself when i read and remembered i should have been gently steering the front canopy. in any case i'm glad to have walked away and been able to learn from something like this."

I'm very glad everything turned out well. Kudos for keeping a cool head and handling it successfully.

Have you learned what caused the AAD to activate?
Wrong setting?

If it was an AAD misfire, that needs to be investigated as to why.

Go Navy!
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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