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Had my first jump yesterday (static line) and loved it. Just wanted to say hello, as I will probably be on here alot to learn. I have been an underwater welder, raced motocross, mud raced, and am currently drag racing 4-wheelers and skydiving just blew it all out of the water. Im hooked cant wait for the future jumps.

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That's awesome to hear you're so into it. Skydiving is definitely one of the coolest things you can do.

I'm a static line progression student too so it'll be cool to hear about how it goes. Its cool to have another static lin learner too. Obviously I'm only a couple of steps ahead of you with only 9 jumps so you could easily pass me if you go jump more than I do.

The biggest thing I can tell you is don't sweat it if you miss something and have to repeat a step because its totally not the end of the world. Student skydives cost a lot more initially but I've always figured its important to get it right. I'm sure we all can't wait to get a license.

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Does the excitement ever go away?

Ive read a few stories on this site about how people are getting burned out on the sport, and a few have actually said they're quitting all together. I don't understand this, because even if you were to become a little, ummm, complacent I guess, with jumping out of planes, then you could always move to a different form or level of the sport. Go higher, start base, skyboard, etc. Or keep another extreme sport as a hobby and kind of mix it up (ie. kayaking, diving, cliff jumps, etc.)

Thats the way I intend on doing it anyway.

-"People living deeply have no fear of death"- Anais Nin

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Yep, made 2 more jumps on sunday and Im definitely addicted. My next jumps will be the PRCP's, hopefully those go well. Im getting excited to go up to 10,000 never been that high, in the jump plane anyway, hopefully it doesnt freek me out.

Also started the learning process on packing. Looks really easy until you drape the canopy over shoulder and look down into it! haha Oh well it will come in due time.

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Im getting excited to go up to 10,000 never been that high, in the jump plane anyway, hopefully it doesnt freek me out.

The higher altitude is actually more relaxing, because it's obvious that the ground is not so close, and impact not so imminent. With more freefall time, you'll actually enjoy yourself more, with less anxiety.

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wait till you get to sit by the door for the ride up...its a whole new feeling and i found that i was a lot less nervous because i did not have the cramped, hot, stuffy feeling of being in the plane.

it was very nice, and fun to watch the two jumpers leave before me

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