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  1. Actually that makes perfect sense!! Thanks. Did not even think of it that way.
  2. Yep, made 2 more jumps on sunday and Im definitely addicted. My next jumps will be the PRCP's, hopefully those go well. Im getting excited to go up to 10,000 never been that high, in the jump plane anyway, hopefully it doesnt freek me out. Also started the learning process on packing. Looks really easy until you drape the canopy over shoulder and look down into it! haha Oh well it will come in due time.
  3. Thanks everyone, I am planning on going back this weekend and get another jump if not a couple. Does the excitement ever go away? I almost cant sleeo because of it, excitement and nerves I guess.
  4. Had my first jump yesterday (static line) and loved it. Just wanted to say hello, as I will probably be on here alot to learn. I have been an underwater welder, raced motocross, mud raced, and am currently drag racing 4-wheelers and skydiving just blew it all out of the water. Im hooked cant wait for the future jumps.