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    Westside Skydivers
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  1. A wind tunnel would be awesome, i wish there were one closer to me. I recently got over my anxiety with the door, and seem to have much more fun standing out on the step getting ready to go Its good to hear that im not the only one who has had this issue, i was starting to wonder because a lot of other jumpers, even some of the students seem to be so nonchalant about the whole thing
  2. Thanks for the replies, ill just suck it up and get out there. its true what you said about letting the more intimate knowledge of the sport get to me, i need to let it be more fun and not have as much anxiety about how i will perform, part of the stress is that i had planned to be licensed by the end of the season
  3. As far as the nervousness i have no idea where it's coming from, i used to have no problem with it, i mean besides the normal anxiety when learning. I used to have some friends that i jumped with, but since they have quit trying for their licenses im the only one left so perhaps that has something to do with it, maybe im just a whore for peer pressure or something
  4. So ive got 11 jumps under my belt, and the last time out i had the greatest time. That was about a month ago, since then i get VERY nervous and worried before i go to jump, to the point that i have not gone to the DZ Not sure what this is all about, i should be over this feeling, but it has been bothering me, anyone have any experience with this or ideas on getting over it? In my heart i wanna go jump because i know once i get out there i will have so much fun.... this is aggravating!!
  5. sometimes you dont have to joke with them...they do it all themselves!!
  6. BF / GF are both going up on their tandems and as we are walking to the aircraft a TI asks the guy if he wants to jump out first or second to which he replies, " let her go first, i want to hear her scream from behind " It instantly made the rest of us heading to the plane laugh our asses off! It made for a great start to a great jump! On a side note that was a great jump, but i owe beer for landing on the grass runway...
  7. My instructor said he really likes that you can charge it off of the same laptop that he uses to download his jump data. I've got a lot of different things to decide on, so it looks like i will be searching through the Gear section a lot before i decide what to get once i have my A. Thanks!
  8. Before this weekend, i always got really nervous when that door opened. I used to almost dread that time, but not anymore. Not sure what changed, but its like all of a sudden i was comfortable sitting there ready to go, maybe my instructor just relaxed me or something? Either way, i now have a lot of fun during the whole ride up and everything following!!
  9. thanks for the response! looks like ill have to get one now...
  10. so i got a chance to jump this weekend with a neptune3 that my instructor let me borrow....and wow i really like it a lot better than the analog altimeter. It was really easy to read and really easy to plan a good solid landing pattern. My question is that if i were to buy one...either new or used...can you adjust the logbook feature on it to reflect your current jump number? And yes i know this is a very noob question
  11. Yep! Had about 15 people attend the day. Followed by a few Cessna loads. Attended my inaugural Safety Day, and learned a lot. Watched the die-hards jump and got a few good photos of them landing in the snow. I guess up at 8k it was 28 degrees, so not too bad considering its MN
  12. im about in the same position as you. I'm 5'10'' and 155lbs. I had a problem with rocking around in free fall because i was not relaxed enough on jump 3, afterward my instructor told me the same thing....relax. I found that for me just taking a nice breath and smiling helped relax me in free-fall and the problem disappeared. Don't try to fight the airflow, try to let it cushion you, as if you were laying on a comfy couch. As far as flexing your muscles to hold the arch, i found that by pointing my toes a bit it really helped to keep good form. Hope this helps
  13. i only managed to get 6 jumps done last summer but i worked up through level 5 on the AFF course. ( had to do one twice ) anyway i was wondering what is the best way to continue after i am cleared for solo jumps this summer? i heard that you can jump solo and practice, but i have also heard that you should jump with a coach a lot to really learn for your final jump. Im conflicted because i want to learn the most i can, but im trying not to spend all the money i saved up so that i can have enough left over still to buy some used gear once i am licensed. Any ideas???
  14. I had my JM ask me once..."why are you nervous? afraid you'll fall out?" and start laughing...which made me realize that well DUH i plan on falling out....helped for a second, but then i was nervous again lol
  15. i dont know why, probably has something to do with my low jump count. but i have no problem getting in the plane, the ride to altitude.... BUT once the door opens and people start to leave i get really nervous...and once my JM tells me to take my place in the door...im fine again. i enjoy standing there ready to go and have a blast on the way down.... im hoping to get more used to this feeling so that i can focus on having a good jump and less on the sweaty palms and fogging jump goggles