
Whassup everybody, 1st time - Memorial Day weekend

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What's up everybody? I just wanted to introduce myself I guess...

I did my first jump, tandem that is, over the Memorial day weekend and apparently I'm hooked now.

This forum rocks too! ...lots of good info it seems.

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Thanks! Thanks a bunch? But really? AFF already? I was thinking static line to learn to fly first but hey, if you say I should go for it then maybe I should at least consider it.

Tandem was a total mind-blow for me and I just wanna make sure I'm not gonna severely screw up the chute before I start getting wilder.

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Ha ha... thanks. I meant fly the canopy right, which of course you get instruction on, I assume so anyway.

I've been reading a bit about it here and there's so many mixed opinions it seems

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Yeah you will read different opinions from just about everyone and which method of training is best. But of course, it is what you will feel the most comfortable doing. For me, it was AFF. My biggest worry about the training was my first landing. After my feet landed on that first jump, that little fear was gone. Which ever training you decide to do (that is if you want to go on and get your license) will be fun. Just remember, that there is no reason to ever rush in to anything with skydiving. Take your time to learn and absorb as much knowledge as possible.

blue skies
Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead.
And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.

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Just remember, that there is no reason to ever rush in to anything with skydiving. Take your time to learn and absorb as much knowledge as possible.

blue skies

Thanks... I tend to want to "make the most" out of things but I know I should probably fight that urge. In other words, instead of thinking too much about what jumps will put me on the way to getting a license maybe I should pace myself and get it right.

I definitely need to jump again! Thanks for the input.

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Cool thanks and thanks. I mean I've always wanted to jump solo. I guess like a lot of people who don't know much about the sport having not looked into it I originally thought solo was the only way to go unless you had some compelling reason not to. I'm glad I had a few people tell me that a tandem jump isn't lame or anything, it's just the way most people get started.

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Nothing wrong with doing tandems...those are still skydives. But, now that you've gotten a taste, if you intend to do more than just a handful of jumps in your lifetime, I highly recommend going right into AFF or static line, and start working towards your A-license. You can earn it over several months, or get it as quickly as a few days...just depends on your motivation, location, available time, and bank account ;)

Whether you do AFF, S/L, or some hybrid/tandem course, you will be trained to fly a canopy all throughout the course. Most places will put a radio on you to guide you in until you get the hang of it. I did AFF and wore a radio for my first 4 jumps, and from what I've seen that's pretty typical.

Welcome to the skies B|

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Doing the tandems are one thing. But experiencing the jump solo.......is prob one of the best feelings ever. Give it a try when you can, you wont regret it.
Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead.
And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.

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I have to admit I'd love to get be licensed. Thanks for the welcome to the sky and yes just getting a taste was enough to get me hooked! So, no more tandems for me, ha ha. I really can't wait to go solo now.

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Thanks mang, nah I went to Skydive Walterboro and I just reserved a spot for SL on Saturday!! Obviously I'm a little excited about the sport....

Walterboro charges a LOT less after you do the first SL jump, which I guess a lot of other places might too. But it's the closest place to me that I know of. Monroe you say? That might be a good place to look into.

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Have fun learning. When you're more experienced and ready to try other DZs, give Monroe a try. You'll have a great time.

"Even in a world where perfection is unattainable, there's still a difference between excellence and mediocrity." Gary73

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Just did my first solo jump yesterday!!! Man, I can't wait to go again...

I took the static line course at Walterboro and I gotta give those guys big props for running some good classes and great coaching.

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