
Altering a Bird man-Please help

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I'm Looking for someone skilled in making Bird man suit alterations. I got a phat deal on a used suit but it's juuuuuust a bit to tight. I have sent an e-mail to the manufacture and I am awaiting their reply but in the mean time, if I can find some one out there who can do it, do it well, and do it quick, that'd be bitchin. I'd do it my self but honestly, I'm not that skilled at making suit alterations. Any help? Thanks

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Good luck with responses from Birdman. I know Kevin (Kevin922) had some stitching come apart and asked about sending it back to the mfg for repair. Birdman basically said "find someone locally".

They referred him to someone up in NY that had dones some alterations, but she was not using e-thread.

He ended up taking it to our rigger, and he did a pretty good job (from what I saw). Alterations are a little bit bigger job, but I wouldn't be surprised if he could do it with good quality.

PM me and I'll send you his contact info if you wanted to talk with him. I am not sure about the 'quick' part, since he does his rigging part time.


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You will have to wait awhile before you hear back from Chuck since he is offline for awhile. If youo PM me the details of what has to be done I can give you a good idea of it's feasability. I know with your skills and equipment that it should be doable in house for you if you have the materials needed.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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I got a great idea from someone. My suit has the single zipper on the front and that make it difficult to get in and out of. My buddy suggested that I add two more zippers starting at the knees and terminating at the collar. this he says will make it much easier to get in and out of. I've taken a look at some pics of the classic II ( I have the the classic I) and I think doing this mod will be no problem. While adding the zippers, I can also add just a bit of material to each side of the new zippersl and that should give the suit the extra room I need. Hows that sound to you?

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I got a great idea from someone. My suit has the single zipper on the front and that make it difficult to get in and out of. My buddy suggested that I add two more zippers starting at the knees and terminating at the collar. this he says will make it much easier to get in and out of. I've taken a look at some pics of the classic II ( I have the the classic I) and I think doing this mod will be no problem. While adding the zippers, I can also add just a bit of material to each side of the new zippersl and that should give the suit the extra room I need. Hows that sound to you?

Sounds fine to me, in fact we've done that exact mod in the loft I used to work for....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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While adding the zippers, I can also add just a bit of material to each side of the new zippersl and that should give the suit the extra room I need. Hows that sound to you?

Completely do-able and it has been done before. I won't go into telling you how to do it as I can imagine you have sewn many an item together all ready. It may be hard to find like material if you have a really old one made out of the heavy weight material. You can use similar materials like what is currently being used on the suits just as easy with no ill effect.

I will add that I have seen it done two ways before. One was to add more girth to the suit and make it easier to get into and it required the addition of material between the added zippers. The other way was simply adding two additional zippers in the areas you described to make a 3 zipper suit with the center zipper no longer being used. If you need anything else just PM me or you can call and talk to Jari.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Success. I've been at it for a while performing the mod that my buddy told me about and I have to say thank you to everyone who gave me input. You all just save me from having to buy a new wing suit. Now the suit fits great. I'll take some pics and post them later. Thanks again.

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