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Just wanted to say hi to everyone...I did my first Tandem jump on July 24th, I thought it would be my one and only of a lifetime...I went back later that night and did a second Tandem jump and even pulled the rip cord that jump (no I didn't drop it)...That's when I fell in love with the sport and decided this is something I had to do...I am doing a Tandem again and then I am talking with my instructor about progression...

I will admidt that I do have one fear that makes me think twice about doing this and that is the exit :(...To be honest I am afraid that I am going to fall...I know now is when you are chuckling...I realize I am up there to fall...And I refuse to let this fear stop me from learning this sport...I will use it to my advantage in keeping me safe...

I guess I was thinking of progressing with tandem so I could become more comfrotable with the fear before I move any farther...

Could someone tell me if they think this would be the right thing to do or if they have any other ideas that would help...All suggestings would be appreciated..
Punky Monkey
You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

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Hey Punky Monkey! Welcome to the sport! :):)
Also, you should feel like you're falling only for a few seconds, till you hit terminal. But I found that on my 2nd jump I didn't feel it at all anymore. I think it's more the mental thing of "OMG I'm falling!!". Once that thought leaves your mind you'll feel much more like you're flying than falling.
I'm sure I'll still be very nervous on my next exit, but I'll get past it by thinking of the awesome experience that's right outside that door! :)
Have confidence in yourself and never forget that feeling you got from your 2nd tandem! Good luck! :)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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I had similar fears. It was at the door where my brain and body said to me - you want to do what??! I think it's pretty normal to be a little fearful of flying at 13K with the door open!

My first exit with my own parachute was scary, but my anxiety was lessed by my instructor. The instructor held onto me, jumped with me, and was by my side hanging on until I deployed the chute.

It was only after a few exits this way that I actually left the plane by myself (with my instructor a few feet away not holding on).

The student progression was great for me. I got enough to challenge me on each dive, but not enough to overwhelm me.

Talk to your instructor before your next jump, they are there to help. Then see how you feel after your tandem. If possible, maybe you could exit squatting instead of kneeling if you haven't already.

Have fun! :)
Blue Skies,


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Hi and welcome to the sky!
When I did my first jump (it was a tandem too) exit was re-e-ealy fearfull and I have a serious doubt about my second exit :). But my second jump was AFF and I feel scare & doubts only before I stand in the door, take a look on the prop and feel the wind. I spoke with few AFF students and they tell me that feel the same - fear present only untill the you feel the wind. I can suppose that when you recognize that you will exit (not tandem master jump you ;) ) out of the plane and start is under your control - your doubts go away with the wind =))).
So may be you should try AFF?
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Just wanted to say hi to everyone...I did my first Tandem jump on July 24th, I thought it would be my one and only of a lifetime.

Welcome! Yeah, I thought the same thing, that it would be a one time thing. LOL. Don't know how anyone can just do one tandem and not go on. You will feel more comfortable the more jumps you do. I knew I was feeling comfortable when I went from "oh, shit, it's my turn to jump" to "allright, it's my turn to jump". Good luck!

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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Your feelings are exactly like mine were my first 10 jumps or so. I was probably scared all the way to my first solo exit with no jump master. After that I couldn't wait to dive out and try not to tumble the first few seconds. My first couple jumps I was so scared when the door opened and I would always scoot farthest away from the door. I did the tandem progression at Central Michigan Skydiving and thumbs up to those guys. They're the best! Once you get a few more in you'll do good. I'm still nervous when I go but you can only get better with practice. Good luck to yah


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Just a quick question, when you guys are talking about exits, are you talking about jumping backwards or forwards out the door?? I'm in Australia and don't dive exit until the 7th jump in the AFF course. Is it any different in the USA. How many jumps is there to attain your A licence?
Blue Skies.

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The first diving exit in my course was my 10th jump or also known as an unstable exit. You have the option to roll out into a ball or dive out which usually for us students tends to throw us out unstable. This jump here in the US (on the program I did) is called IAF-4, or Instructor Assisted Freefall Level 4.

To answer your question about an A license in skydiving it would be 25 jumps, and other various items including knowledge of all aspects of the sport and canopy control.

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I have found that if you feel that this is something you want to do than you should stop wasting your hard earned money on tandems and enroll in a static line progresion course. this will help you get over the fear you have and build your confidence in yourself as well as the gear.
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Just thought I would let everyone know that I now have 10 jumps in and will be doing my 10 second freefall tomorrow. Fear of the door is in CONTROL. Once that static line was removed it was an 80% change in that fear.

My instructor says maybe 3 more jumps and I can start diving out..

I hope so this strut hanging is getting pretty old..
Punky Monkey
You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

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Hey, congrats on your progression! :)
Sounds like you are doing well with S/L. Just wait till you get to do that solo exit and 1 minute freefall, you're gonna love it! For me the exit is the best part. I'm always very nervous on the ground, but then as we start to climb, and then when I get into the door and feel that wind, it's all good!! :)
Good luck! I hope you are flying soon! :)
Jeth B|
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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yup, my progression is going great...Better than I thought it would...Did the 3 tandems (just to make sure and they were working tandems)...then did two reg s/l and the three prcp and bam first free fall of 5 seconds...Did another hop and pop last weekend wasn't up for the 10 seconds yet...I did find out that my last hop and pop was more of a 7 second delay (I made them go up a little higher just in case the arch felt right and I wanted to hold it a second or two longer) ...Was suppose to do my 10 second today but got rained out,:( so did a lot of ground practice with my instructor...So Friday it will be...Plans are a hop and pop and then the 10 second...I want to get through catergory C this weekend and have my A liscense by the end of October...Let's just hope things keep moving along like they areB|
Punky Monkey
You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

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